Forked from Stalk-the-DMV, which only supports querying available appointment date for driving test. This advanced version added features:
- Query both normal appointment(written test, replace driver license,...) and driving test
- Make appointment automatically
- Set desired time range for appointment
- Save confirm page as screenshot in local directory
- Send keepalive message to Slack channel
Grab your local copy.
git clone
Linux only, only tested in Ubuntu. Recommended to create an Ubuntu x64 machine in AWS.
Install the dependencies.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xvfb xserver-xephyr libfontconfig
# Install pip first if you don't have
curl -o
sudo python3
# Then
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd ~
export PHANTOM_JS="phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64"
sudo tar xvjf $PHANTOM_JS.tar.bz2
sudo mv $PHANTOM_JS /usr/local/share
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/share/$PHANTOM_JS/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin
There is different fetching frequency between daytime and nighttime, so you may need to correct the timezone on your machine.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Obtain a slack token. Then, create a config file - this should be kept hidden! In the current directory, enter the following:
echo "SLACK_TOKEN='your-token-here'" >>
Don't forget to replace the string above with your own slack token. When that is done, open
and update it with your information.
SLACK_CHANNEL = 'bot' # the slack channel which you want to send notifications to, not workspace name
APPT_TYPE = 2 # 1 for general appointment(writen test, renew, replace license), 2 for driving test
DRIVE_URL = '' # driving test url
WRITEN_URL = '' # writen test url
TIMERANGE = 2 # maximum days from ealiest day
EARLESTDAY = "May 25, 2018" # earliest desired day
DAY_PERIOD = 20 # num of seconds period for each query round at daytime
NIGHT_PERIOD = 150 # num of seconds period for each query round at nighttime
NOTIFICATION_TYPE = 1 # 1 for email, 2 for sms. notification actually doesn't work in dmv system
HEARTBEAT_PERIOD = 60 # num of minutes period for heartbeat message sent to slack
LOCATIONS = { # the office ID obtained by inspecting the xpath
'Redwood City': '548',
'San Jose': '516',
'Santa Clara': '632',
'Las Gatos': '640',
'San Jose DLPC': '645'
PROFILE = { # Your information
'first_name': 'Winnie',
'last_name': 'Xi',
'tel_prefix': 'xxx',
'tel_suffix1': 'xxx',
'tel_suffix2': 'xxxx',
'email': '',
##### Following only required for driving test #####
'mm': 'xx',
'dd': 'xx',
'yyyy': 'xxxx',
'dl_number': 'XXXXXX'
Run the bot.
This is not a hack, all it does is automating an otherwise tedious process of page refreshing and manual monitoring.
Only used for personal non-commercial purpose.