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Benny edited this page Apr 17, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the AirFoilDesigner wiki! I want to make a great, simple AirFoilDesigner using Python and Pygame! All of the other simulators I looked at were a little complicated, and I am a beginner (currently, April 2020). I thought beginners might want a easy airfoil designer to get them started with aeronautics. So I chose Python, Pygame, and Raspberry Pi. This may also work on other devices, but I'm programming it on a Raspberry Pi 3B+. I'm also doing it for fun. I choose to have no licence so it is completely open source, so feel free to use it. But if you want share the entire code, please contact me at, and please mention the contributors. Anyone is welcome to help. It is just for fun (for me). I have limited time, so I will work on sometimes. If you have any questions or concerns, please message me at, or alternatively you can post an issue on github for this repository. I hope everyone likes it! Thanks to everyone who helps, and Python and Pygame. is also very useful, thanks.

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