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Develop with Eclipse Quick Start Summary


There is no need to create a new SD card if you add a new linux feature to the Yocto build. It is possible to use smart to pick the new packages up directly from a web site. This can be of assistance if you have a stack of Parallella boards and need to update the software on all the boards without replacing the SD card on each board.


First configure Apache2

<IfModule mod_alias.c>
    # Alias static media requests to filesystem
	Alias /rpm "/home/tutorial/parallella/parallella-yoctobuild/build_parallella/tmp/deploy/rpm"
<Directory /home/tutorial/parallella/parallella-yoctobuild/build_parallella/tmp/deploy/rpm/>
    DirectoryIndex index.html
    Options +FollowSymLinks
    Require all granted
    Allow from all

Then configure the folder permissions

$ sudo chown -R tutorial:www-data /home/tutorial/parallella/parallella-yoctobuild/build_parallella/tmp/deploy/rpm
 2012  sudo chmod -R g+s /home/tutorial/parallella/parallella-yoctobuild/build_parallella/tmp/deploy/rpm

Now on the target it is possible to load from the website the list of sources available:

$ smart channel -y --add all type=rpm-md baseurl=http://buildmachine.local/rpm/all
$ smart channel -y --add armv7ahf_vfp_neon type=rpm-md baseurl=http://buildmachine.local/rpm/armv7ahf_vfp_neon
$ smart channel -y --add parallella_hdmi type=rpm-md baseurl=http://buildmachine.local/rpm/parallella_hdmi
$ smart update
$ smart channel --show
$ smart query --show-summary
$ smart query --name=git
$ smart info git
$ smart install coreutils-doc-8.22-r0@armv7ahf_vfp_neon
$ smart upgrade

Or create a channel file on the web site with the following content:

type = rpm-md
baseurl = http://buildmachine.local/rpm/all
type = rpm-md 
baseurl = http://buildmachine.local/rpm/armv7ahf_vfp_neon
type = rpm-md 
baseurl = http://buildmachine.local/rpm/parallella_hdmi

and then add these in one command

$ smart channel -y --add http://buildmachine.local/rpms

Develop with Eclipse Quick Start Summary

Getting Started

More on FPGA development

More on Epiphany development

More on Linux Distribution

Summary and Quick Start

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