This chart is based on the work from Rub'x Kube, modified for ARM architecture. This implementation uses redrathnure's ARM-compatible Joplin container as its base image.
The Traefik IngressRoute is configured for HTTP only, as SSL termination and certificate management are handled externally through pfSense in front of my LAN.
- Full Joplin Server deployment optimized for ARM architecture
- Traefik ingressroute support for easy access
- Persistent storage for your notes and attachments
- Configurable through joplin-values.yaml
- ARM-compatible images and configurations
To install the Joplin server, run:
# Install Joplin Helm Chart
helm repo add rubxkube
helm repo update
helm install joplin rubxkube/joplin \
--namespace joplin-system \
--create-namespace \
--values joplin-values.yaml
# Ingressroute for Traefik
kubectl apply -f joplin-ingressroute.yaml
In the joplin-values.yaml
file, you can specify the configurable parameters of the Joplin chart and their default values. To override these values, create a joplin-values.yaml
file and specify your values there.
For detailed configuration options, please refer to the default values in the chart.
├── joplin-ingressroute.yaml
├── joplin-values.yaml
To check the deployment status:
# Check pods
kubectl get pods -n joplin-system
kubectl describe pod -n joplin-system <pod-name>
# Check Traefik ingressroute
kubectl describe joplin-ingressroute -n joplin-system
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
If you encounter any issues or need support, please file an issue on the GitHub repository.
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.