- Create new directory in hosts with desired config
- Create new entry in nixConfigurations in flake.nix
- Install NixOS on new machine
- Close these files into ~/nixos
- Copy hardware configuration into hosts/
- Add boot loader config to the new host
basic config:
boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true; boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
git add .
may be needed to make new files available to nix store- Run
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ~/nixos#<host>
- Install NixOS on any machine
- Clone these files into ~/nixos
- Run
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ~/nixos#<host>
The gaming module assumes you have a drive mounted at /games.
nvidia.enable = true;
enables support for nvidia graphics cards.
The media module assumes you have a drive mounted at: /media /media2 /media3
Hostname should be set with hostname = "nixos";
If the machine is running in the home network, setting
homeNetwork.enable = true;
The user module is broken up into the basic default user config I would want on most machines with fish, tmux, vim, etc. The home.nix can be imported directly, for example, in a darwin setup or the user module can be imported completely on a nixos setup.
A desktop environment with xfce+i3 can be enabled by adding
desktopEnv.enable = true;
Developer environment can be setup with devEnv.enable = true;
Both client and server vpn confings exist here.
nvim is using AstroNvim. On the first run,
all of the dependencies will be installed. Language servers, linters,
formatters, etc must all be installed through AstroNvim. Ex
:LspInstall nil_ls
will install the nixos languange server nil
for syntax highlighting
Setting up macbookpro for the first time, I could connect to wifi, but no dns. I had to manually edit /etc/resolv.conf to get connected.