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POSItive POLYnomial optimization (sums of squares, sdsos) for Python


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Collection of methods to efficiently create optimization problems over positive polynomials using Mosek as the underlying solver.

This toolbox is in an early development phase. Use at own risk; syntax will be unstable and bugs are likely plenty.

Getting started

The commercial solver Mosek (free licenses for academic use) is currently the only supported solver. Install Mosek and set up the Python interface according to instructions. Make sure that python -c 'import mosek' runs without errors. Then proceed to install the package.

pip install -r requirements.txt
python install   # s/install/develop to install `locally`

Run tests


Look at an example in examples/ to see how to do optimization.


  • Efficient representation of linear polynomial transformations via the PolyLinTrans class. As opposed to e.g. SOSTOOLS, a symbolic engine is not used when setting up a problem. Instead constraints are defined directly with linear operators represented in parsimonious sparse form, which hopefully avoids computational overhead (magnitude of savings is TBD).
  • Unified interface for setting up and solving positive polynomial programming (ppp) problems. Currently supports optimization in the PSD (for SOS) and SDD (for SDSOS) cones.

Math background and code overview

There are two ways to represent polynomial variables in an optimization problem: gram matrix representation and coefficient vector representation. Let Z(x) be a vector of monomials of to some given maximal degree, then a polynomial of the form Z(x)' * C * Z(x), where C is a symmetric matrix, is in gram matrix representation. A polynomial of the form c' * Z(x) where c is a vector of coefficients, is in coefficient vector representation, and we call c a c-format representation. Positivity constraints are imposed on the gram matrix, so positive variables should be defined in gram matrix representation. In particular, a gram polynomial is SOS if C is positive semi-definite (PSD), it is SDSOS if C is scaled diagonally dominant (SDD), and it is DSOS if C is diagonally dominant (DD).

For polynomial variables that are not positive, coefficient vector representation is preferable since it is more parsimonious than gram representation for a given degree. To avoid redundancy also gram matrices are represented in vector form. For a symmetric matrix

C = [C11 C12 ... C1n
     C12 C22 ... C2n
      :   :       :
     C1n C2n ... Cnn]

the vector representation is

mat_to_vec(C) = [C11 C12 ... C1n C22 ... C2n ... Cnn] 

of length n(n+1)/2. We call this a g-format representation .

Retrieve constraints in coefficient form

A linear polynomial transformation is a mapping between polynomial rings such that the transformed coefficients are linear in the original coefficients. Examples include the identity transform (possibly between different dimensions and degrees), differentiation, multiplication with a given polynomial, etc. Many such transformations are implemented in PTrans as static member methods. Furthermore, methods to provide sparse (scipy.sparse.coo_matrix) transformation matrices of two types are available: gram to coefficient, and coefficient to coefficient.

trans = PTrans.eye(2,2)

# get A such that for a gram polynomial Z(x)' * S * Z(x), transformed polynomial is (A * vec(S))' * Z(x)
A = trans.Acg  # g-format to c-format
# get A such that for a coefficient polynomial c' * Z(x), transformed polynomial is (A * c)' * Z(x)
A = trans.Acc  # c-format to c-format

Define and solve a PPP problem via the PPP class

The class PPP provides a convenient way to set up and solve a PPP problem.

prob = PPP()
  1. Add variables to the PPP object
# add a positive polynomial variable (stored in gram format) in n0 variables and of degree d0
prob.add_var(var0, n0, d0, 'pp')   
# add a polynomial variable (stored in coefficient format) in n1 variables and of degree d1  
prob.add_var(var1, n1, d1, 'coef')   

  1. Add constraints represented by linear transformations of the coefficient representations via PTrans objects. Degrees and dimensions must add up here, i.e. if var0 is in n variables and of degree d, then T00.d0 = d, T00.n0 = n. Furthermore, all transformations in a row must have the same target dimension and degree.
# Add constraint T00.var0 + T01.var1 = b0
prob.add_row({'var0': T00, 'var1': T01}, b0, 'eq')
# Add constraint T10.var0 <= b1
prob.add_row({'var0': T10}, b1, 'iq')
  1. Set objective
# Set objective to min c' var0
prob.set_objective({'var0': c})
  1. Optimize while imposing cone constraints on all pp-type variables
sol, sta = prob.solve('psd')  # or 'sdd'

Define and solve a PPP problem manually

The solve_ppp function imposes positivity constraints on gram matrices that are represented in vector form. Let vec_to_mat be the inverse transformation, i.e. vec_to_mat(mat_to_vec(C)) = C. These two functions are available in posipoly.utils

PP constraints are added by specifying that segments of the variable vector represent such matrices.

# General format:
#   min  c' x   
#   s.t. Aeq x = beq
#        Aiq x <= biq
#        mat(x[s,s+l]) in pp_cone for s,l in pp_list
solve_ppp(c, Aeq, beq, Aiq, biq, pp_list, 'psd')   # optimize in the PSD cone
solve_ppp(c, Aeq, beq, Aiq, biq, pp_list, 'sdd')   # same problem in the SDD cone

The matrices Aeq and beq can be obtained from PTrans objects via the Acg and Acc properties to obtain matrix representations of the transformations from g-format to c-format, and from c-format to c-format, respectively.

Todo list

  • Use named tuples for ppp variables
  • Use default dictionaries in PTrans Polynomial

Future list

Research questions

  • Is it possible to restrict the sparsity pattern of multiplier polynomials without loss of generality?


POSItive POLYnomial optimization (sums of squares, sdsos) for Python







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