Is an experimental package for experimenting with SumProductTransformation networks (their main advantage is the exact calculation of likelihood). The package puts emphasis on flexibility, which means that it is not super fast, but can be safely used for flexible experimentation. It has been created as a testbed for the paper Sum-Product-Transform Networks: Exploiting Symmetries using Invertible Transformations, Tomas Pevny, Vasek Smidl, Martin Trapp, Ondrej Polacek, Tomas Oberhuber, 2020
For an example of GMM, SPN, and SPTN you can see a Pluto notebook in examples/pluto.jl
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An experimental implementation of a generalization of a Sum-Product networks by a Dense node.
Background: The Sum-Product-Transform networks is a hierarchical model with a tree structure composed by following nodes:
- LeafNode is a known tractable probabilisty distribution, usually a multivariate normal distribution.
- SumNode is a mixture model with components being either (ProductNode, List, or another SumNode);
- ProductNode is product of random variables assuming their independency;
- TransformationNode implements a change of variables formula
x = f(z)
with the pdf transformed according to change of variables theorem..
The change of variables in TransformationNode can encapsulate anything which allows calculation of logabsdet
(e.g. flow models), but we prefer to implement it as a dense layer, i.e. , where
is a square matrics. In order to be able to efficiently calculate the determinant of Jacobian and invert f
, W
is represent in its SVD decomposition as W = UDV
where U
and V
are unitary and D
is diagonal. Group of Unitary matrices parametrized in a gradient descend friendly way are provided in the package The toy problems are available at
using ToyProblems, SumProductTransform, Unitary, Flux, Setfield
using ToyProblems: flower2
using DistributionsAD: TuringMvNormal
using SumProductTransform: ScaleShift, SVDDense
x = flower2(Float32, 1000, npetals = 9)
To create a Gaussian Mixture Model with 9 components and Normal distribution on leaves with full covariance, we use a single sumnodes with TuringMvNormal
transformed by Affine distribution SVDDense(d)
(MvNormal with full covariance TuringDenseMvNormal
does not support Zygote, therefor this construction is prefered). This is a way for us to implement general normal distribution. If you fancy a normal distribution with non-zeros only on diagonal, use ScaleShift(d)
instead of SVDDense(d).
To fit the model on data x
use fit!
d = size(x,1)
ncomponents = 9
model = SumNode([TransformationNode(SVDDense(d), TuringMvNormal(d, 1f0)) for i in 1:ncomponents])
batchsize = 100
nsteps = 20000
history = fit!(model, x, batchsize, nsteps)
To calculate the loglikelihood on samples x
use logpdf(model, x)
and to sample from the model, use rand(model)
To create a simple SumProductNetwork, we can do
components = map(1:ncomponents) do _
p₁ = SumNode([TransformationNode(ScaleShift(1), TuringMvNormal(1, 1f0)) for _ in 1:ncomponents])
p₂ = SumNode([TransformationNode(ScaleShift(1), TuringMvNormal(1, 1f0)) for _ in 1:ncomponents])
p₁₂ = ProductNode((p₁, p₂))
model = SumNode(components)
and you can fit it the same way as above.
Finally, to create a SumProductTransform network, you can do
ncomponents = 3
nlayers = 3
model = TransformationNode(ScaleShift(d), TuringMvNormal(d,1f0))
for i in 1:nlayers
model = SumNode([TransformationNode(SVDDense(2), model) for i in 1:ncomponents])
The model is compatible with Flux / Zygote. So you can take parameters (weights in SumNodes, parameters of TransformationNodes), you just hit ps = Flux.params(model)
and the gradient of logpdf
is differentiable as gradient(() -> logpdf(model, x), ps)
. The fit!
is an optimized version of train!
function which utilizes threading.
, ScaleShift
, and LUDense
implement the interface of Bijectors.jl
, which means that you can use them the same way. Caution!!!* If you want to use some layers from bijectors, verify that Flux.params
returns parameters.
For example:
julia> using Flux
julia> using Bijectors
julia> Flux.params(PlanarLayer(2))
but if you register the layer with Flux
Flux.@functor PlanarLayer
magic happens.
This allows you to use PlanarLayer
within SumProductTransform as
ncomponents = 3
nlayers = 3
model = TransformationNode(PlanarLayer(d), TuringMvNormal(d,1f0))
for i in 1:nlayers
model = SumNode([TransformationNode(PlanarLayer(2), model) for i in 1:ncomponents])
history = fit!(model, x, 100, 20000)