A Unity plugin that integrates the iOS and Android Urban Airship SDK.
We accept pull requests! If you would like to submit a pull request, please fill out and submit a Code Contribution Agreement (http://docs.urbanairship.com/contribution-agreement.html).
- Unity 5
- iOS - Xcode 8.3+ for iOS
- Android - Android SDK installed and updated (requires Android MinSdkVersion = 16)
- Google Play Services Jar Resolver Library for Unity - Apache License
- Download the latest plugin
- Import Urban Airship unitypackage: In Unity, Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package
- Configure Urban Airship: In Unity, Window -> Urban Airship -> Settings
An example script is provided in 'Scripts/UrbanAirshipBehaviour.cs'. Import into your app's scripts and attach it to a game object in each scene. The script shows a very basic integration with Urban Airship.
Enable Push Notifications in the project editor's Capabilities pane:
To add support for iOS 10 notification attachments, you will need to create a notification service extension. Detailed steps can be found here.