Lightweight conversion scheme from markdown to pdf.
Because the Chinese font file is too large, npm cannot upload it.
Please download the font file from github and use a custom configuration.
No Puppeteer or PhantomJS dependency.
Use CommonMark to convert markdown files to abstract syntax tree (AST), and then use pdfkit to convert to pdf files.
Features outside the specification are not supported.
Features inside the specification are supported.
- document (bookmark)
- text
- linebreak
- softbreak
- emph
- strong
- link (http/anchor)
- thematic_break
- heading (bookmark)
- paragraph
- image (http/local png/jpg)
- code
- code_block (syntax highlighter)
- block_quote (nested)
- list (ordered/unordered/nested)
- item
- html_inline (like code)
- html_block (like code_block)
- Sometimes the anchor will fail for unknown reasons.
npm install --save light-markdown-pdf
lmp --help
Usage: lmp [options]
Lightweight conversion scheme from markdown to pdf
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --sourceDir <dir> input *.md file directory
-t, --targetFile <file> output *.pdf file path
-c, --configFile <file> custom config file path
--verbose output all log
--coverTitle <title> pdf cover title
--coverAuthor <author> pdf cover author
--coverVersion <version> pdf cover version
--fontName <name> default font name
--fontFile <file> default font file path
--ignoreDirBookmark don't use directory name as bookmark
--ignoreFileBookmark don't use file name as bookmark
-h, --help display help for command
lmp --sourceDir . --targetFile $npm_package_name.pdf --fontName PingFang --fontFile ./src/asset/PingFang-SC-Regular.ttf --coverTitle $npm_package_name --coverAuthor $npm_package_author_name --coverVersion $npm_package_version --ignoreFileBookmark
lmp --configFile ./src/config.js
// ./src/config.js
const path = require('path');
const pkg = require('../package.json');
module.exports = {
sourceDir: process.cwd(),
targetFile: path.join(process.cwd(), `${}.pdf`),
font: {
defaultFontName: 'PingFang',
registerFont: {
PingFang: path.join(process.cwd(), 'src/asset/PingFang-SC-Regular.ttf'),
cover: {
version: pkg.version,