These notes are mostly meant for the developers but apply for the analysis. If doing the exercise please consider following the instructions at
register to git at
git config --global user.github <your github username>
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc462
cmsrel CMSSW_5_3_12_patch2
cd CMSSW_5_3_12_patch2/src/
wget -q -O - --no-check-certificate | sh
scram b -j 9
cmsRun test/
cmsRun test/
or use the crab/multicrab files under test/grid
To analyze a single file
python test/wz/ -i file.root
To analyze a set of files for full analysis
python test/ -e test/wz/ -i /store/cmst3/user/psilva/CMSDAS_v2 -j test/wz/wz_samples.json -o ./results -p "-p -t -w pu,/store/cmst3/user/psilva/CMSDAS_v2/LowLumiRuns_pileup.root,jec,${CMSSW_BASE}/src/UserCode/sm_cms_das/data" -s 8nh
To launch the computation of the PDF weights
python test/ -e ${CMSSW_BASE}/test/${SCRAM_ARCH}/computePDFvariations -i /store/cmst3/user/psilva/CMSDAS_v2 -j test/wz/wz_samples.json -o ./results/pdf -p "-t smDataAnalyzer/data -p CT10.LHgrid" -s 1nd
Make some control plots
python test/ -i results -j test/wz/wz_samples.json -l 18
Run tag and probe
cmsRun test/wz/