It's a syntax game. Alissa has written out an interesting set of rules, which resemble a generative lexicon. So FIRST I am going to impliment this idea in raw js.
Essentially, we are 'growing' a syntax tree which describes a sequence of chords. So we need to get some virtual instruments working in the browser with midi. Then we need to impliment this syntax tree thing- should be pretty simple IMO
Alissa has the actual grammar written out in a spreadsheet that I will import.
The grammar itself describes motion in chord-space. There are three rules, each of which offers two choices for a child node.
They're always of the form A -> AB or A-> BA
Ability to Demo the chord before you choose it- and / or hear a single branch in isolation Different instrument for demo
Amputate Branches
Reactivity: Light Up a chord while it plays
Tree should look like a tree swaying/growing/glowing/etc
Art that doesn't look like code art- some whimsy and texture would be nice, ultimately. use LeaderLines.js to draw branches between chord names, get rid of hierarchy boxes.
Line down the centre of the root branch to indicate 'balance'
An OG feature still missing: Re-order the branches
Paige: Measures of 'balanced-ness' or of 'orderliness' ?
DONE: Fixed Rule, now works as intended Grow Random Tree Modal Options Menu Branch Muting Tree has branches now, not deco cages