Documentation for Phantasma development
- Clone or download this reposity into your machine
- Download the latest binaries from the releases
- Create a "bin" folder inside the reposity folder, then unzip the binaries there
- Run Docs.exe if using Windows (otherwise use 'dotnet run Docs.dll' in the terminal)
- Open your browser and open the localhost URL
- Find the folder for the section inside the "en" folder
- Find the .html file that matches the topic
- Edit the contents then press the Reload button to see the changes
- Edit sections.txt and add a new line there with the new section title and icon
- Calculate the id of the new section by converting the title to lowercase and replacing any space with an underscore (eg: Smart Contract becomes smart_contract)
- Create a new folder inside the "en" folder, where the name of the new folder is the section id (from previous step)
- Create several .html files as required with topics for that section. Make sure the .html files follow the format of number_title.html (the number is used for ordering them)
- Edit languages.txt and add a new line there with the new language title and code
- Duplicate the "en" folder, rename it to the new language code and start translating the files
- When translation is finished, submit it as PR