cmake -Bbuild -GNinja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$(VCPKG)/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
- GPU-Driven
- Mesh shaders
- Occlusion CPU & GPU
- LODs
- Frustrum culling
- AABB bounding box
- works but still buggy at the extremities of Sponza for big objects, the 8 rather than only 2 extremities should be tested, or something else idk
- Maybe some more clever techniques like OOB / Convex Hull
- Use hiearchical test?
- AABB bounding box
- Debug Pass
- draw triangle wireframe
- draw square
- draw boxes
- Allow to display wireframe / Bounding Box conditionnally
- Deferred Pipeline
- PBR (buggy)
- Forward (not used)
- for transparent objects only
- "Bindless" textures / indexed textures (Partial, for deferred only)
- Local Illumination
- Global Illumination
- A basic version of SSAO
- A more complex thing like voxel based or something like that?
- Shadows
- Basic Directionnal lights
- Percentage closer filtering
- A better filtering pattern
- Point lights
- Shadow Cascade
- Adapt projection to camera
- Antialising
- MSAA for forward
- More
- Fog!
- (basic) clothes simulation!
- Fire
- Dear ImGui
- FastGLTF
- JsonCpp for reading / writing registry.json (for storing CVARS mainly)
- Stbimage
- Shaderc to recompile shaders during execution
- Vulkan
- RealTime Rendering
- Physically Based Rendering
- Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics
- Internet is a great ressource!