This project is meant to provide tools for finding covered call options
that meet specific criteria around goals and market tone.
The scripts require an E*Trade API authtoken. When created, the auth token is
cached for a period of two hours. If one of the scripts uses the auth
token it is refreshed (a maximum of one refresh per five minutes). If
no valid auth token exists, you'll be given a URL to paste into a
browser, where you authenticate and are given a code. Paste the code
at the prompt to cache the auth token.
This project is heavily inspired by Alan Ellman (The Blue Collar Investor)
To understand the goals laid out here, watch his youtube videos on
'Beginner's Corner for Covered Call Writing' or visit his website at
This code requires the excellent pyetrade API from Jesse Cooper
Additionally, this module requires an active E*Trade account and an
API key (available from E*Trade customer service) requires stock_chart_tools package from pypi for calculating
the technicals indicators like macd, obv, slow stochastics and
exponential moving averages.
bin/ -- Get a real time quote for a symbol
$ bin/ -h
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] -s SYMBOL [-v]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
etrade configuration file
-s SYMBOL, --symbol SYMBOL
Symbol to search
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity
$ bin/ -v -s AMAT
Price : $119.33 bid=$120.55(100) ask=$120.87(100)
Volume: 11981 (avg=9520524)
bin/ -- Search the option chain for a symbol for call options that match the criteria
$ bin/ -h
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] -s SYMBOL [-e EXPIRATION] [-d]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
etrade configuration file
-s SYMBOL, --symbol SYMBOL
Symbol to search
Expiration Date <YYYY-MM-DD>
-d, --debug Enable debugging
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity
-m MARKET_TONE, --market-tone MARKET_TONE
Market tone configuration
$ bin/ -e 2021-04-16 -v -m tone/market-neutral.json -s AMAT
AMAT Apr 16 '21 $115 Call: days=24 price=119.33 premium=$7.35(mark=7.53) cost=$11198.00 oi=2876 beta=1.78
Protection: 3.63% Delta : 0.6581
ROO : 2.63% ( 39.94%) Profit: $ 302.00
Upside : 0.00% ( 0.00)% Profit: $ 0.00
Total : 2.63% ( 39.94%) Total : $ 302.00
AMAT Apr 16 '21 $120 Call: days=24 price=119.33 premium=$4.70(mark=4.83) cost=$11463.00 oi=4810 beta=1.78
Protection: 0.00% Delta : 0.5044
ROO : 3.92% ( 59.57%) Profit: $ 470.00
Upside : 0.56% ( 8.54)% Profit: $ 67.00
Total : 4.48% ( 68.10%) Total : $ 537.00
bin/ -- Loop across symbols in a directory of watch lists, filter the results based
on a number of configurable questions. The question has an expiration time
to prevent asking the same question with the cached answer is still fresh.
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-v] [-q] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
$ bin/ --help
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
etrade configuration file
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity
-q, --quote Include a quote in the summary
Write the results to a file
Review a symbol's cached data
-s SYMBOL, --symbol SYMBOL
Perform fresh screen of a symbol
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-v] [-q]
$ bin/
Select a sector (ABT)
1. Automobiles & Auto Parts
2. Banking Services
17. Paper & Forest Products
18. Pharmaceuticals
19. Professional & Commercial Services
20. Semiconductors
21. Software & IT Services
22. Textiles & Apparel
ABT[Company Information] What sector is the stock? (or 'new' for a new sector) 18
ABT[Fundamentals] When is the next earnings announcement? (YYYY-MM-DD): 2021-10-20
ABT[Fundamentals] Is the average analyst rating better than neutral? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the stock price up trending? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the price above the 20 day EMA? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the 20 day EMA trending up? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the 20 day EMA above the 100 day EMA? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the 100 day EMA trending up? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the MACD trending up? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the MACD divergence positive? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the MACD greater than zero? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the stochastic oscilator positive? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the stochastic oscilator uptrending? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the stochastic oscilator greater than 20? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the On Balance Volume positive? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the On Balance Volume trending up? [y/N] y
ABT[Technicals] Is the volume greater than than moving average? [y/N] y
Valid Symbols
A (score= 94.74)%
ABT (score=100.00)%
bin/ -- Automated Technical Analysis, analyzes price trend data and
updates the cache for the stock screner
Requires: pandas, yfinance
$ bin/ --help
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-v] [-s SYMBOL]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
screener configuration file
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity
-s SYMBOL, --symbol SYMBOL
Analyze a symbol
bin/ -- Screen for veritical credit spreads
that aim to generate significant return and have
significant downside protection.
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] -s SYMBOL
[-e EXPIRATION] [-d] [-v] [-p PARAMETERS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
etrade configuration file
-s SYMBOL, --symbol SYMBOL
Symbol to search
Expiration Date <YYYY-MM-DD>
-d, --debug Enable debugging
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity
Option parameters configuration
bin/ -- Look for options that you can roll out to if you
are holding an option that is in the money
near the expiration date.
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] -s SYMBOL -e EXPIRATION -p
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
etrade configuration file
-s SYMBOL, --symbol SYMBOL
Symbol of the call
Expiration Date <YYYY-MM-DD>
Symbol to search
-p STRIKE, --strike-price STRIKE
Strike price
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity
etrade.json - this is the base configuration file that points to other configs
"authtoken": "~/.etrade-authtoken.json",
"credentials": "~/"
} - contains your credentials (get these from etrade)
CONSUMER_KEY=<your consumer key>
CONSUMER_SECRET=<your consumer secret>
market tone json files
These files contain the parameters for screening the options.
min_open_interest - minimum number of options for viability
min_annual_roo - minimum annualized gain return on option
max_annual_roo - maximum annualized gain return on option (filters out super volatile stocks)
min_annual_update - minimum annualized gain for upside on an option (>0 forces out of the money calls)
min_downside - minumum downside protection of the option (>0 forced in the money calls)
min_delta - minumum delta (roughly the probability of expiring in the money)
max_delta - maxumum delta (roughly the probability of expiring in the money)
"min_open_interest": 50,
"min_annual_roo": 0.24,
"max_annual_roo": 0.96,
"min_annual_upside": 0.0,
"min_downside": 0.0,
"min_delta" : 0.45,
"max_delta" : 0.90
These files contain the parameters for screening the options.
min_open_interest - minimum number of options for viability
min_annual_roo - minimum annualized gain return on the option spread
min_downside - minumum downside protection of the option spread
min_short_delta - minumum short call delta (roughtly equates to probabilty of success)
min_long_delta - minimum delta for the long call
These parameters are set to 5% / month with 7% downside protection and 70% chance of success
"min_open_interest": 10,
"min_annual_roo": 0.60,
"min_downside": 0.07,
"min_short_delta" : 0.70,
"min_long_delta" : 0.8