SciTools/Iris provides a data structure for GCM weather data, and tools for file IO. I want to go beyond that and have an API for loading the particular weather data I need into an iris Cube. That is, to say something like:
'from the CERA20C reanalysis, load the 2m air temperature at 7am (UTC) on 16th October 1987.`
and the code would find and download the data, interpolating to the requested time as necessary. IRData provides such an API, for synoptic-timescale reanalysis data, from several reanalyses. The request above is:
import datetime
import IRData.cera20c as cera20c
There is one sub-package for each of several data sources, with fetch
methods for getting a copy of the data from a remote server to a local filesystem. and load
methods for loading iris cubes from the fetched data.
- IRData.twcr - Data from the 20th Century Reanalysis.
- IRData.cera20c - Data from the CERA20C Reanalysis.
- IRData.era5 - Data from the ERA5 Reanalysis.
See the docs.
This is a personal software library; it builds on SciTools/Iris and is licensed on the same terms, but it does not have the same level of documentation, support, testing, or stability.