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Obsidian Tools

A collection of tools for Obsidian plugin development and validation.


Validate Plugin Manifest

A tool to check an Obsidian plugin manifest against community rules as described in the Validate Plugin Entry workflow of the obsidianmd/obsidian-releases project.


The easiest way to install is using Homebrew:

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd obsidian-tools

# Install dependencies and build tools
brew bundle

# Build the tool
task build

You can also build directly with Go if you prefer:

go build -o obsidian-validate-plugin-manifest ./validate-plugin-manifest


# Simple validation with default manifest.json

# Validate a specific manifest file
./obsidian-validate-plugin-manifest --manifest path/to/manifest.json

# Output in JSON format (useful for CI/CD)
./obsidian-validate-plugin-manifest --manifest path/to/manifest.json --json

# Suppress informational output
./obsidian-validate-plugin-manifest --manifest path/to/manifest.json --quiet

# Show version information
./obsidian-validate-plugin-manifest --version

Validation Rules

The validator checks that manifest files comply with the Obsidian community plugin guidelines:

  • Plugin ID and name must not contain "obsidian" or end with "plugin"
  • Description must not contain "obsidian" or phrases like "this plugin"
  • Description should be under 250 characters
  • Version and minAppVersion follow proper format (numbers and dots only)
  • URLs don't point to the Obsidian website
  • Email addresses are discouraged in the author field


Run the unit tests with:

# Using Go directly
go test ./validate-plugin-manifest

# Or using Task (recommended)
task test

For more detailed test output:

# Using Go directly
go test -v ./validate-plugin-manifest

# Or using Task
task test -- -v

Example Output

For successful validation:

📝 Validating manifest for plugin: Example Plugin

✅ Manifest validation passed!

For validation with errors:

📝 Validating manifest for plugin: Example Plugin

❌ Errors:
  • Plugin ID should not contain the word 'obsidian'
  • Plugin ID should not end with 'plugin'
  • Description should not contain the word 'Obsidian'
  • Description should be under 250 characters (currently 274)

⚠️  Warnings:
  • Email addresses are discouraged in the author field

❌ Validation failed with 4 error(s) and 1 warning(s)


This project uses Homebrew for dependency management and Task as a build tool.

Setting Up Development Environment

# Initial setup - installs all dependencies from Brewfile
task setup

# Verify your environment is correctly set up
task verify

Common Task Commands

# Build the project
task build

# Run all tests
task test
task test:cover  # Run with coverage report
task test:race   # Run with race detection

# Format code
task format

# Run linters
task lint

# Fix linting and formatting issues
task fix

# Run the validator
task run
task run:json    # With JSON output

Task Categories

The Taskfile is organized into logical sections:

  1. Setup Tasks: setup, verify
  2. Build Tasks: build, build:all, clean
  3. Quality Tasks: quality, fix, format, lint
  4. Test Tasks: test, test:cover, test:race
  5. Run Tasks: run, run:json
  6. Maintenance Tasks: update:deps
  7. CI/CD Tasks: ci, pre-commit

Run task --list-all to see all available tasks. See copilot instructions for more detailed development guidelines.


A collection of tools for use with Obsidian



