Methods used by UCL Geography to preprocess registered .rxp data to allow further processing. The pipeline uses PDAL and requires installation of the Python bindings.
File structure should be as below where ScanPos001
, ScanPos002
, ... ScanPosXXX
are the raw date from the scanner and matrix are derived RiSCAN Pro. Anything in extraction is temporary and could be deleted i.e. don't put anything in there that needs to be kept. clouds
are the individually extracted trees, these can be either leaf-on or -off, conventaional naming is <plot>_<year>_T<num>.ply
where <num>
can be random or a tree tag (maybe need a different suffix to decipher this). models
contain output from TreeQSM or treegraph, if there are both then put in separate directories.
├── ScanPos001
├── ScanPos002
├── ScanPosXXX
├── matrix
| ├── ScanPos001.DAT
| ├── ScanPos002.DAT
| └── ScanPosXXX.DAT
├── extraction
| ├── rxp2ply
| | └── <tiles created by
| ├── downsample
| | └── <tiles created by
| ├── fsct
| | └── output from FSCT
| └── tile_index.dat
├── clouds
| └── <trees extracted with FSCT or other>
└── models
└── <QSMs from either TreeQSM or treegraph>
Before installing PDAL you could instead: conda activate /home/ucfaptv/opt/miniconda/envs/pdal-python
Create a conda environment using
conda create -n pdal -c conda-forge gdal ninja cmake cxx-compiler laszip pdal python-pdal pandas geopandas
Check the version of PDAL installed
pdal --version
and download the corresponding version from the PDAL current release.Example commands in linux:
$ wget $ tar -xf PDAL-2.5.5-src.tar.gz
Download the
(make sure to get the gcc9 version) and the therdblib-2.4.0-x86_64-linux.tar.gz
from the memebers area of the RIEGL website.- Unzip
and add an environmental variable to point at the directoryexport RiVLib_DIR=/path/to/rivlib-2_5_10-x86_64-linux-gcc9
. - Untar
and add an environmental variable to point at the directoryexport rdb_DIR=/path/to/rdblib-2.4.0-x86_64-linux/interface/cpp
- Unzip
Before running cmake
- edit line 58 of
to"Choose if RiVLib support should be built" True)
- edit line 63 of
to"Choose if rdblib support should be built" True)
- edit line 56 of
toconst bool DEFAULT_SYNC_TO_PPS = false;
Then, follow the PDAL Unix Compilation notes to compile PDAL. Example commands in Linux:
$ cd /path/to/PDAL-2.5.5-src $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -G Ninja .. $ ninja $ ls bin/pdal bin/pdal
Next, add the this bin path to the environmental variable $PATH
export PATH=/path/to/PDAL-2.5.5-src/build/bin:$PATH
- edit line 58 of
cp build/lib/libpdal_plugin_reader_*.so /path/to/.conda/envs/pdal/lib/.
, this is required to open.rxp
in Python.
conda activate pdal
Create a direcotry in the the .riproject
directory called extraction
using mkdir
, navigate into it and create a directoty called rxp2ply
and navigate into this.
$ git clone
Navigate to cd /path/to/xx.riporject/extraction/rxp2ply/
Run python /path/to/rxp-pipeline/ --project ../../../xx.riproject --deviation 15 --odir . --verbose
This will populate the rxp2ply
directory with full resolution tiled data
This downsamples the data to a uniform density
mkdir ../downsample
and navigate to cd ../downsample
python /path/to/rxp-pipeline/ -i ../rxp2ply/ --length .02 --verbose
Navigate back to extraction
python /path/to/rxp-pipeline/ -i downsample
where downsample
is the directory with downsampled tiles.
Instructions on this are here.