Arpabet is the set of phonemes used by cmudict, which is The CMU Pronouncing Dictionary. IPA is the International Phonetic Alphabet.
This version is a derivation of wwesantos/arpabet-to-ipa. The difference is that this version shows primary and secondary stresses. The algorithm for stress attribution isn't 100% precise but it should work in most cases. Your contribution is welcomed.
You may install the Arpabet-to-IPA manually.
Instantiate and use a Arpabet-to-IPA class:
$arpabetToIPA = new ArpabetToIPA\App();
$ipaPhoneme = $arpabetToIPA->getIPA('AA');
$ipaWord = $arpabetToIPA->getIPA('F OW1 N IY0 M');
You need PHP >= 5.3.0.
The Arpabet-to-IPA is released under the MIT public license.