This plugin provides an implementation for recording video and audio on a device based on the W3C MediaStream Recording API for iOS and Android. In order to achieve the recording, this plugin uses the phonegap-plugin-media-stream which is based on the W3C Media Stream API. The phonegap-plugin-media-stream makes the mediastream track available to the phonegap-plugin-media-recorder which allows the user to record a video/audio. The phonegap-plugin-media-stream is added as a dependency to the phonegap-plugin-media-recorder plugin.
phonegap plugin add phonegap-plugin-media-recorder
phonegap plugin add
The MediaRecorder constructor uses the mediastream track obtained by using the phonegap-plugin-media-stream to create an object. An optional parameter for mimeType can also be passed.In iOS, the current suppported mimeTypes for mediaRecorder are : audio/m4a, audio/wav and video/quicktime. If options parameter is not passed the recording continues with default formats ( audio/m4a for audio recording and video/quicktime for video recording).
'audio': true,
'video': {
facingMode: 'user'
}).then(function(mediastream) {
var options = { mimeType : 'video/quicktime'};
var mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(mediastream, options);
The mediaRecorder object has the following methods:
The mediaRecorder object also has the following events:
- onstart()
- onstop()
- onpause()
- onresume()
- ondataavailable()
The start method accepts an optional timeslice parameter (in milliseconds) and allows the user to record an audio/ video. The timeslice parameter allows the user to specify the duration of the recorded video/audio. For video recording, the implementation in iOS allows the user to open the camera view and record the video. For audio, the iOS implementation does not have a specific UI and works in the background. Android has integrated support for the W3C Media Stream API and the W3C MediaStream Recording API. However, Android can record the video in the background without a specific user interface which can be seen in the Android Demo
below. A live stream,if needed, can be added using the W3C Media Stream API.
mediaRecorder.onstart = function() {
console.log('Recording Started');
The stop method allows the user to stop recording an audio/ video. For video recording, the implementation in iOS allows the user to stop the video using the camera button. For audio, the iOS implementation does not have a specific UI and works in the background. For Android, the recording has to be stopped by using mediaRecorder.stop()
or by using the optional timeslice
parameter in mediaRecorder.start(timeslice)
mediaRecorder.onstop = function() {
console.log('Recording Stopped');
This functionality is supported only for audio recording on iOS. Fully supported on Android.
mediaRecorder.onpause = function() {
console.log('Recording Paused');
This functionality is supported only for audio recording on iOS. Fully supported on Android.
mediaRecorder.onresume = function() {
console.log('Recording Resumed');
This functionality allows us to gather the recorded video/audio data in a blob. This method is available only when the state
of the mediaRrecorder is not inactive
mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = function(blob) {
console.log('Data Available: blob size is ' + blob.size);
console.log('File URI is '+ mediaRecorder.src);
This method allows us to see if a specific mimeType is supported
mediaRecorder.isTypeSupported("audio/m4a"); // returns true
After the requestData() method is called and the blob is created, the ondataavailable
event is fired which allows us to retieve and play the data. However, in iOS, playing the recorded video using a blob
as a source for a video tag is not supported yet, and therefore, we assign the native file URI as a source to the video and audio tags.
Recording Video
mediaRecorder.onstart = function() {
console.log('recording started');
mediaRecorder.onstop = function() {
console.log ('recording stopped');
mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = function(blob) {
var videoTag = document.getElementById("vid"); // vid is the video tag
if(device.platform === 'iOS') { // iOS device ; cordova-plugin-device required for this check
videoTag.src = mediaRecorder.src;
} else {
var recordedChunks = [];
videoTag.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(recordedChunks)); // Android device
The mediaRecorder.stop() method needs to be called explicitly for Android if the optional timeslice parameter in mediaRecorder.start() has not been provided. The stop(), pause() and resume() events are supported on Android but not supported on iOS for video recording.
Recording Audio
mediaRecorder.onstart = function() {
console.log('recording started');
mediaRecorder.onstop = function() {
console.log ('recording stopped');
mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = function(blob) {
var audioTag = document.getElementById("aud"); // aud is the audio tag
if(device.platform === 'iOS') { // iOS ; cordova-plugin-device required for this check
audioTag.src = mediaRecorder.src;
} else {
var recordedChunks = [];
audioTag.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(recordedChunks)); // Android device
mediaRecorder.start(10000); // stop recording audio after 10 seconds
In order to add a blob
object as a source for a video tag, blob:
should be added to the media-src
part of the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in your index.html.