Provides a set of methods for converting PHP Reflection objects into the TypeLang AST Nodes.
Read documentation pages for more information.
TypeLang Reader is available as Composer repository and can be installed using the following command in a root of your project:
composer require type-lang/reader
$reader = new \TypeLang\Reader\ReflectionReader();
$node = $reader->findFunctionType(
function: new \ReflectionFunction(function(): void {}),
Expected Output:
TypeLang\Parser\Node\Stmt\NamedTypeNode {
+offset: 0
+name: TypeLang\Parser\Node\Name {
+offset: 0
-parts: array:1 [
0 => TypeLang\Parser\Node\Identifier {
+offset: 0
+value: "void"
+arguments: null
+fields: null
$class = new \ReflectionClass(Path\To\Example::class);
// Printer component provided by "type-lang/printer" package.
$printer = new \TypeLang\Printer\PrettyPrinter();
$converter = new \TypeLang\Reader\ReflectionReader();
// Dump all constants with its types.
foreach ($class->getReflectionConstants() as $constant) {
// Creates type node AST from a constant's type.
if ($type = $converter->findConstantType($constant)) {
echo 'const ' . $constant->name . ' has type ' . $printer->print($type) . "\n";
// Dump all properties with its types.
foreach ($class->getProperties() as $property) {
// Creates type node AST from a property's type.
if ($type = $converter->findPropertyType($property)) {
echo 'property ' . $property->name . ' has type ' . $printer->print($type) . "\n";
// Dump all methods with its types.
foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) {
// Creates type node AST from any function's return type.
if ($type = $converter->findFunctionType($method)) {
echo 'function ' . $method->name . ' has type ' . $printer->print($type) . "\n";
// Creates type node AST from a parameter's type.
foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) {
if ($type = $converter->findParameterType($parameter)) {
echo 'parameter ' . $parameter->name . ' has type ' . $printer->print($type) . "\n";