Simple multi user application written in Django for keeping tabular notes.
The application consists of several modules: tv_series, books.
In each module you can add, edit, delete, sort and filter records.
Module for saving information about watched TV series
Viewed TV series journal
View and edit entry of journal
- Local name series
- Original name series
- Watch status (watching, full watched, waiting next season etc.)
- Last watched season
- Last watched episode
- Last watched date
- Your rating
- Comment
Module for saving information about read books
Viewed read books journal
View and edit entry of journal
- Title
- Authors
- Genre
- Category
- Source (How did you find out?)
- Status (reading, done, stopped etc.)
- Add date
- Start reading date
- End reading date
- Days spent
- Pages number
- Note
Install Python 3
Install PostgreSQL
Install dependencies
pip install --upgrade pipenv
pipenv install --dev
Create DB (once)
createdb -U postgres -O <username> tabular_notes
pipenv run ./ migrate
pipenv run ./ runserver [port]
Install Docker and Docker Compose
Run docker container (it will build container if not exists)
docker-compose up
Or force rebuild docker container and run
docker-compose up --build
Open in browser http://localhost:8001
v1.5 (19.03.2020)
- Added book rating
- Added book reading status
- Added status icons
- Added rating icons
- Updated Django to 3.0.4 and dependencies
v1.4 (15.10.2019)
- Removed
(moved to my scripts) - Moved TV series to separate table
- Added sort ordering for all objects
- Added sorting by name fields for journals
- Changed prod DB version
v1.3 (14.10.2019)
- Changed DB to PostgresQL
- Fixed ReadBookFilter
- Added ability to hide filter
- Changed width of columns for books journal
v1.2 (12.10.2019)
- Added "books" module
v1.1 (10.10.2019)
- Added multi user ability
v1.0 (07.07.2019)
- Added "tv_series" module