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vmsACARS Plugin Development Kit (PDK)


The plugins and scripts for vmsACARS are written in Typescript, and then transpiled to JS. Typescript ensures that the interfaces required are following, and that the proper things are returned so ACARS can run them. While Typescript isn't required, it's best to use it to ensure proper values are passed - especially around enums.

This PDK includes build scripts to:

  • Convert Typescript to JS, with type checking/linting
  • Stamp the distribution package with versioning
  • Github Actions to build and deploy
  • Scripts to help with development



  • nodejs/npm
  • Typescript
  • Gulp


npm install

Customizing using the .env file:

Next, copy the .env.default to .env. Then edit this file to change the profile name.

The available options:

  • ACARS_PROFILE_NAME - The default profile to use for testing
  • ACARS_CONFIG_PATH - The default usually works, but you can change this to the path where you put ACARS, if you did a local install
  • ACARS_SCRIPTS_PATH - Uses the ACARS_PROFILE_NAME to build the path to where the scripts should be sent after a build
  • ACARS_DIST_ZIP - The distribution filename


Then there are multiple commands you can use:

To run a build:

This creates a dist directory, with all of the JS files in it

npm run build

This doesn't copy it anywhere, just runs a compile and build

Create a distribution file

This creates a (you can rename it in the .env file) after running a compile. You can modify the gulpfile.mjs to include other files in the dist/ directory - this directory is simply zipped and placed into the dist/ directory. You can then configure Github Actions to then upload this zip somewhere for ACARS to download.

Automatically build and copy to ACARS

This will setup a watch, and then automatically transpile and then copy the contents of the dist folder into the ACARS_PROFILE_PATH directory that's defined in the .env file.

npm run dev

Disable Downloading Latest Defaults

Sometimes, it's just useful to disable downloading of the latest defaults, and just edit the scripts that are included to see how they work. To do that, create a file in your Documents/vmsacars directory, called appsettings.local.json, and place the following:

  "Config": {
    "App": {
      "DownloadConfig": false
  "Serilog": {
    "MinimumLevel": {
      "Default": "Verbose"

You can also adjust the log level to "Information", "Debug" or "Verbose" ("Debug" is recommended)

Development Documentation

There are several core files/interfaces that are included:


This describes the globally available functions, including the logging methods available through console and Acars.


This contains all of the base types:

  • Pirep - data that's available about a PIREP, and it's associated interfaces (Airport, Runway, etc)
  • Telemetry - telemetry information that's come out of the simulator
  • User - information about the current user

It also includes other detailed type information, for example Length, so you can retrieve that type of information.

Aircraft Configuration:

Aircraft rules are required to inherit the AircraftConfig abstract class. An example class would look like:

import { AircraftConfigSimType, AircraftFeature, FeatureType } from '../defs'
// Additional mports are left out for now

export default class FenixA320 extends AircraftConfig {
    meta: Meta = {
        id: 'fenix_a320',
        name: 'Fenix A320',
        sim: AircraftConfigSimType.MsFs,
        enabled: true,
        priority: 2,

    features: FeatureAddresses = {
        // Aircraft feature
        [AircraftFeature.BeaconLights]: {
            'lvar name': FeatureType.Int,

    flapNames: FlapNames = {
        0: 'UP',
        1: 'CONF 1',
        2: 'CONF 1+F',
        3: 'CONF 2',
        4: 'CONF 3',
        5: 'FULL',

    match(title: string, icao: string, config_path: string): boolean {
        // Check the aircraft title and return true/false if this matches

    beaconLights(lvar_value: number): FeatureState {
        // Check the lvar_value if the

The configuration is a class which has a few different components.

  1. meta, which gives some general information about the configuration:
    • name - a name for this script
    • sim - The simulator it's for
      • AircraftConfigSimType.XPlane
      • AircraftConfigSimType.Fsuipc
      • AircraftConfigSimType.MsFs
      • AircraftConfigSimType.MsFs20
      • AircraftConfigSimType.MsFs24
    • enabled
    • priority - from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). If there are multiple rules which match this, then which one takes priority. All the built-in rules are at a priority 1, and aircraft specifics rules are priority 2. I recommend using a priority of 3 or higher. More on this below
  2. features - this is the type FeatureAddresses - see defs.ts for the definitions
    • MSFS - the lookups you enter are LVars
    • X-Plane - the looks ups are via datarefs
    • FSUIPC - the lookups are offsets
  3. flapNames - see below
  4. match()
    • This needs to return a boolean
    • A method (match()) which passes some information about the starting aircraft
      • For MSFS, it's the aircraft ICAO
      • For FSX/P3d, the value looked at is the aircraft title field, offset 0x3D00
      • For X-Plane, the value looked at is sim/aircraft/view/acf_descrip
      • This method can be used to determine if this rule should match
  5. Methods for the different features (see below)
    • The maps - a group of datarefs or offsets which constitute that feature being "on" or "enabled"

In the above example, for the Fenix A320, the landing lights are controlled by two datarefs, both of which the values need to be 1 or 2 for the landing lights to be considered "on".

Targeting MSFS

There are 3 possible values for targetting MSFS in the configs:

- `AircraftConfigSimType.MsFs` - This will apply the configuration to both 2020 and 2024
- `AircraftConfigSimType.MsFs20` - This will be for 2020 ONLY
- `AircraftConfigSimType.MsFs24` - This will be for 2024 ONLY


Features are essentially stored in a dictionary of dictionaries, of type FeatureAddresses:

features: FeatureAddresses = {
    // Aircraft feature
    [AircraftFeature.BeaconLights]: {
        'Lookup Address': FeatureType.Int,

In the above example:

  • AircraftFeature.BeaconLights is an enum value of the feature type. It's put in [] because it's a variable name
  • It's set to an object, where the keys are the lookup address or lvar.
  • Lookup Address is where to find this data:
  • FeatureType.Int - is the type of value that's returned.

The different features available are:

  • beaconLights
  • landingLights
  • logoLights
  • navigationLights
  • strobeLights
  • taxiLights
  • wingLights
  • flaps

The different features contain how to look up the value, and the type. You can have multiple variables to be read and looked at for a feature. Each feature then corresponds to a method which is called to return if that feature is on or off. That method will have the equivalent number of arguments for each data reference

Lookup Locations

  • For FSUIPC, the lookup location is the offset
  • For X-Plane, it's the DRef
  • For MSFS, it's either the LVar name, or a Simvar:
    • Simvar has to be prefixed with A:, e.g, A:LIGHT LOGO,bool, and then the type


export default class Example extends AircraftConfig {
    features: FeatureAddresses = {
        // Aircraft feature
        [AircraftFeature.BeaconLights]: {
            'sample/dataref/1': FeatureType.Bool,
            'sample/dataref/2': FeatureType.Bool,

    beaconLights(dataref_1: boolean, dataref_2: boolean): FeatureState {
        if (dataref_1 && dataref_2) {
            return true;

        return false;

Equality Checking

I recommend using == instead of === for equality comparisons, since the types coming from the sim may not always match up or be casted properly (e.g, 1 being returned instead of true)

Ignoring Features

To ignore a feature in the rules (for example, if a feature doesn't work properly), set the feature to false:

import { AircraftFeature } from './defs'

features: FeatureAddresses = {
    // Aircraft feature
    [AircraftFeature.BeaconLights]: {
        'lvar name': FeatureType.Int,
    [AircraftFeature.LandingLights]: false,

Mixed priorities

If there are two scripts which match a particular aircraft, and a feature is omitted, it will use the lower priority one in place. For example:

import { FeatureAddresses } from './aircraft'

export default class Example extends AircraftConfig {
    meta: Meta = {
        // ...
        priority: 1

    features: FeatureAddresses = {
        [AircraftFeature.BeaconLights]: {
            'sample/dataref/1': FeatureType.Bool,
            'sample/dataref/2': FeatureType.Bool,
        [AircraftFeature.LandingLights]: {
            'sample/landing/light/1': FeatureType.Bool,
            'sample/landing/light/2': FeatureType.Bool,

export default class ExampleOverride {
    meta: Meta = {
        // ...
        priority: 10

    features: FeatureAddresses = {
        [AircraftFeature.LandingLights]: {
            'override/landing/light/1': FeatureType.Bool,
            'override/landing/light/2': FeatureType.Bool,

In this case, the lookups used for the rules will be:

  • beaconLights - sample/dataref/1|2
  • landingLights - override/landing/light/1|2

Rules Configuration

A rule looks like this:

export default class ExampleRule implements Rule {
    meta: Meta = {
        id: 'ExampleRule',
        name: 'An Example Rule',
        enabled: true,
        message: 'A example rule!',
        states: [],
        repeatable: false,
        cooldown: 60,
        max_count: 3,

    violated(pirep: Pirep, data: Telemetry, previousData?: Telemetry): RuleValue {

A rule also has several components:

  • Needs to implement the Rule interface
  • Has a meta, section, hich gives some general information about the configuration:
    • id - A unique ID for this rule
    • name - a name for this rule, it's used as the reference
    • enabled
    • message - a default message when the rule is violated
    • states - a list of PirepState of when this rule is to be run
    • repeatable - if it can be violated multiple times
    • cooldown - The amount of time, in seconds, between violations
    • max_count - if it's repeatable, how many times it can maximally be vioalted
  • A violated() method, which returns a RuleValue
    • Passed the pirep and the data (Telemetry type)

Looking at aircraft feature states

To lookup the state of an aircraft feature, look at the data.Features dictionary. The following rule is evaluated during pushback, and checks that the battery is on:

import { AircraftFeature, PirepState } from './defs'

export default class BatteryOnDuringPushback implements Rule {
    meta: Meta = {
        id: 'ExampleRule',
        name: 'An Example Rule',
        enabled: true,
        message: 'A example rule!',
        states: [PirepState.Pushback],
        repeatable: false,
        cooldown: 60,
        max_count: 3,

    violated(pirep: Pirep, data: Telemetry, previousData?: Telemetry): RuleValue {
            // First check that the battery is declared as part of the aircraft's feature set
        if (AircraftFeature.Battery in data.features
            // And then check its value to see if it's on or off
            && data.features[AircraftFeature.Battery] == false) {
            return ['The battery must be on during pushback']

Returning a RuleValue

The return value has multiple possible values, sending on

export type RuleValue = undefined | boolean | [string?, number?]

If a rule is passing/hasn't been violated:

return false

If a rule has been violated:

return true

Or, if you want to return a custom message:

return ['message']

Or, if you want to return a message and points:

return ['message', points]

If you want to return just the points, you can return:

return ['', points]

points and message are optional - if omitted, they're pulled from the meta block

Helper Methods


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