This Proto Sample repository provides a psuedo type-driven, data-model-first example for application design that showcases standardization and automatic generation of dependent data and application components. By starting with a well-defined, core data model using protobuf, application owners are able to create compiled libraries, sample servers or clients, and documentation using specific plugins and extensions based on the core model. This initial, non-exhaustive list includes the primary features:
- Protobuf data model
- gRPC service interface
- language specific libraries
- simple gRPC server
- CLI client examples
These additional features in the Proto Sample are utilized for simplcity:
- relational database storage
- object relational mapping
The Data Model Dependency Graph highlights data model dependencies with the foundational layer at the bottom which is utilized to automate the build-out of the upstream components.
flowchart BT
subgraph data-model[" "]
direction LR
DATA-MODEL([Data Model])
INTERFACES([RPC Interfaces])
PROTO([Proto Messages])
subgraph libraries[" "]
direction RL
LIBRARIES([Compiled Libraries])
STUBS([Client & Server Stubs])
PROXY([Generated Proxy])
SCHEMA([DB Schemas])
PROTO --> |protoc-gen|LIBRARIES
PROTO --> |protoc-gen-sql/avro|SCHEMA
INTERFACES --> |protoc-gen-grpc-gateway|PROXY
INTERFACES --> |protoc-gen-openapi|OPENAPI
INTERFACES --> |protoc-gen-docs|DOCS
INTERFACES --> |protoc-gen-grpc|STUBS
subgraph clients[" "]
direction RL
%% Golang & Python & JAVA & XYZ["..."]
R-CLIENT["REST client"]
G-CLIENT["gRPC client"]
subgraph docs[" "]
G-DOCS["gRPC docs"]
R-DOCS["REST docs"]
subgraph apis[" "]
direction RL
REST[REST Service] & GRPC[gRPC Service]
REST <-->|transcodes|GRPC
PROXY -.->|imports|REST
OPENAPI -.->|generates|R-DOCS
OPENAPI -.->|utilizes|R-CLIENT
DOCS -.-> |utilizes|G-DOCS
STUBS -.->|utilizes|G-CLIENT
R-CLIENT -->|calls|REST
G-CLIENT -->|calls|GRPC
STUBS -..->|utilizes|GRPC
%% linkStyle 0,3 color:green;
class libraries,data-model,apis,clients,docs someclass;
classDef someclass fill:#F4FAFC,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
The gRPC service's interface, method, and REST transcoded resources follow the Google Cloud API and API Improvement Proposals naming standards (here and here)
Follow the instructions in the Testing document to validate (and test) your gRPC server with some examples.
Follow the instructions in the Development document to setup a development environment.
These are some additional feature components I would like to include/showcase in this example
automated build tool(Bazel added)- deployment configurations
- gRPC to REST transcoding
- custom data model field extensions
- schema and DDL converters
- tests, tests, tests!