I must give credit where it's due, my setup is built on top of Neovim's NvChad flavour, created by the awesome @sciduck
- Auto imports
- Syntax highlighting for glsl (OpenGL Shading Language) files.
- Language servers
- CLang/C++
- Golang
- Typescript
- Javascript
- 🍿 snacks.nvim @see
- Check for unused variables in Golang
- Debugger (Golang, CLang/C++ and Typescript)
- Tailwind auto-completion snippets
- Golang auto-completion snippets
- Golang Auto-formatter
- C/C++ auto-completion snippets
- C/C++ Auto-formatter
You should have the following packages installed in your system (Globally/GOPATH for using Golang features)
- gofumpt
- goimports_reviser
- golines
- prettier
- neovim/nvim-lspconfig
- williamboman/mason.nvim (package manager for LSPs)
- Installed Language Servers:
- gopls
- eslint-lsp
- tailwindcss-language-server
- typescript-language-server
- Installed Language Servers:
- mfussenegger/nvim-dap
- leoluz/nvim-dap-go
- For Go language
- Depends on mfussenegger/nvim-dap
- jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim
- For various languages: go, javascript, typescript, html, json, yaml
- olexsmir/gopher.nvim
- For Go language
- Depends on mfussenegger/nvim-dap
- Additional setup using Gopher and related mappings
What is it?
- NvChad is a neovim config written in lua aiming to provide a base configuration with very beautiful UI and blazing fast startuptime (around 0.02 secs ~ 0.07 secs). UI plugins such as telescope, nvim-tree, bufferline etc are tweaked well to provide an aesthetic UI experience.