Quicksand comes with 3 ready-to-use color-schemes, one with rounded, two with cornered boxes. Its responsive design is based on Bootstrap 4, so your page will always look fine on any device. The theme is highly configurable, so you can easily adjust it to your needs, by using the theme-options inside your customizer. Choose between masonry- and normal-, fullwidth- or boxed-layout, none, one or two sidebars and there were also added two better looking archive- & category-widgets. Quicksand also comes with a social-icon-integration, by using the fantastic FontAwesome image-library. You are able to apply Google-Fonts, galleries can be displayed by the stunning Lightgallery-plugin and if you feel to use a slider on your frontpage, no worries, Flexslider is integrated.
- readme.txt
- style.css
- package.json
- functions.php
rm -Rf node_modules
npm install
grunt build
Use the Line-Endings-plugin in Netbeans 'Show and change line-endings'
- js/lightgallery/js/lightgallery.js
- js/lightgallery/css/lg-fb-comment-box.css
- js/lg-thumbnail.js
cp -Rv wp-content/themes/quicksand /tmp
cd /tmp/quicksand
rm -Rf node_modules dev package.json Gruntfile.js
all hidden files
- .DS_Store
- .dS_Store
- .a.swp
- .netbeans.xml
find . -iname '.*' -type f -delete
cd ..; zip -r quicksand.zip quicksand
cd wp
vim wp-config.php
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');
sudo chown -R name:group ../wp/
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs-legacy npm ruby
sudo su -c "gem install sass"
sudo npm -g install grunt grunt-cli coffee-script jshint node-gyp
cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/piccard21/quicksand.git
mv quicksand/.git* /var/www/wp/
mv quicksand/wp-content/themes/quicksand/ /var/www/wp/wp-content/themes/
cd /var/www/wp/wp-content/themes/quicksand
npm install
grunt build