This is a way to document my journey as a WebDev aspirer 🚀
Here you'll find coursework projects and exercises I'm gathering throughout my experience on the Explorer course at Rocketseat, as well as other little projects I do along the way.
If you like this way of documenting your journey, feel free to fork it and use it your own way.
I'd appreciate it if you say thanks by ⭐ starring this repo or sharing your thoughts with me.
Also, please get in touch if I can help you with anything!
- 1st Project: Introduction to HTML and CSS
- 2nd Project: Getting used to new HTML and CSS concepts
- 3rd Project: Semantics and accessibility (Intermediate Challenge🔥)
- 4th Project: Recreating Layout (Advanced Challenge🔥)
- 5th Project: Forms, validation and customization
- 6th Project: Desktop Version
- 7th Project: Grid with animations #1
- 8th Project: Grid with animations #2
- 9th Project: Creating forms #1 (Intermediate Challenge🔥)
- 11th Project: Creating forms #2 (Intermediate Challenge🔥)
- 12th Project: Mobile First (Intermediate Challenge🔥)
- 13th Project: Space Cream (Advanced Challeng🔥)