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Neil Enns edited this page Feb 13, 2025 · 20 revisions

TrackAudio provides a websocket interface at ws:// to receive state updates and interact with TrackAudio. For an example of using the websocket interface see the StreamDeck-TrackAudio project.

Outgoing messages

The following messages are sent by TrackAudio to the connected websocket clients.


Sent when the TrackAudio voice connection state changes. The following value properties are sent:

Property Description
connected True if voice is connected.
  "type": "kVoiceConnectedState",
  "value": {
    "connected": true


Sent whenever an individual station's state updates, including when stations are added and removed. The following value properties are sent:

Property Description
callsign The callsign for the station.
frequency The frequency of the station whose state updated.
headset True if the audio is routed to the headset.
isAvailable True if the requested station is currently listed in TrackAudio. False if not.
isOutputMuted True if the station is muted.
outputVolume The volume for the station. Range is 0-100.
rx True if rx is enabled.
tx True if tx is enabled.
xc True if xc is enabled.
xca True if xca is enabled.

Example response when the station is in TrackAudio:

  "type": "kStationStateUpdate",
  "value": {
    "callsign": "SEA_E_TWR",
    "frequency": 119900000,
    "headset": true,
    "rx": true,
    "tx": true,
    "xc": false,
    "xca": false,
    "isAvailable": true,
    "isOutputMuted": false,
    "outputVolume": 80

Example response when the station is not in TrackAudio:

  "type": "kStationStateUpdate",
  "value": {
    "callsign": "SEA_E_TWR",
    "isAvailable": false,


Sent in response to a kGetStationStates message. The following value properties are sent:

Property Description
stations An array of kStationStateUpdate messages, one for each station in TrackAudio.
  "type": "kStationStates",
  "value": {
    "stations": [
        "type": "kStationStateUpdate",
        "value": {
          "callsign": "SEA_E_TWR",
          "frequency": 119900000,
          "headset": true,
          "rx": true,
          "tx": true,
          "xc": false,
          "xca": false,
          "isOutputMuted": false,
          "outputVolume": 80
        "type": "kStationStateUpdate",
        "value": {
          "callsign": "SEA_DEL",
          "frequency": 128000000,
          "headset": true,
          "rx": false,
          "tx": false,
          "xc": false,
          "xca": false,
          "isOutputMuted": true,
          "outputVolume": 80


Sent when any station starts transmitting.

  "type": "kTxBegin",
  "value": {}


Sent when any station stops transmitting.

  "type": "kTxEnd",
  "value": {}


Sent when a frequency receives an incoming transmission. The following value properties are sent:

Property Description
callsign The callsign making the transmission.
pFrequencyHz The frequency of the station receiving the transmission.
  "type": "kRxBegin",
  "value": {
    "callsign": "ASA49",
    "pFrequencyHz": 118000000


Sent when a frequency stops receiving an incoming transmission. The following value properties are sent:

Property Description
activeTransmitters Array of callsigns still transmitting.
callsign The callsign that stopped transmitting.
pFrequencyHz The frequency of the station receiving the transmission.
  "type": "kRxEnd",
  "value": {
    "callsign": "ASA49",
    "pFrequencyHz": 118000000


Sent when the main TrackAudio volume changes. The following value properties are sent:

Property Description
volume The current volume. Range is 0-100.
  "type": "kMainOutputVolumeChange",
  "value": {
    "volume": 42



This event is only sent for backwards compatibility. New code should track kStationStateUpdate messages instead.

Sent whenever a station state changes.

  "type": "kFrequencyStateUpdate",
  "value": {
    "rx": [
        "pCallsign": "KSEA_ATIS",
        "pFrequencyHz": 118000000
        "pCallsign": "SEA_E_TWR",
        "pFrequencyHz": 119900000
    "tx": [],
    "xc": []

Incoming messages

The following messages can be sent to TrackAudio to trigger state changes or to request state information.


Starts transmitting on active Tx stations.

   "type": "kPttPressed"


Stops transmitting on active Tx stations.

   "type": "kPttReleased"


Adds the station with the specified callsign to TrackAudio. If the station isn't already in TrackAudio a kStationAdded message will be returned once the station is added. If the station is already in TrackAudio a kStationStateUpdate message will be returned with the station's current state.

There is no queueing provided by TrackAudio for this message and adding a station can take a few millseconds. Sending multiple kAddStation messages in succession without any delay between messages will result in some stations not getting added successfully. Either wait for the kStationAdded/kStationStateUpdate message to get returned, or add a small delay between each sent message.

The following value properties are supported:

Property Description
callsign The callsign of the station to add. Required.
  "type": "kAddStation",
  "value": {
    "callsign": "SEA_TWR"


Sets the states on the specified station. The following value properties are supported:

Property Description
frequency The frequency of the station to set the state on. Required.
isOutputMuted The new value for the isOutputMuted state. Can be true, false, or "toggle".
rx The new value for the rx state. Can be true, false, or "toggle".
tx The new value for the tx state. Can be true, false, or "toggle".
xca The new value for the xca state. Can be true, false, or "toggle".
headset The new value for the headset state. Can be true, false, or "toggle".
  "type": "kSetStationState",
  "value": {
    "frequency": 121700000,
    "rx": "toggle"


Increases or decreases the volume on the specified frequency. The following value properties are supported:

Property Description
frequency The frequency of the station to set the state on. Required.
amount The amount to adjust the volume by. Range is -100 to 100.
  "type": "kChangeStationVolume",
  "value": {
    "frequency": 121700000,
    "amount": -2


Increases or decreases the main TrackAudio volume. The following value properties are supported:

Property Description
amount The amount to adjust the volume by. Range is -100 to 100.
  "type": "kChangeMainOutputVolume",
  "value": {
    "amount": 1


Returns the current value for the main TrackAudio volume. The response will be a kMainOutputVolumeChange message.

  "type": "kGetMainOutputVolume"


Returns the current state for the specified station. The following value properties are supported:

Property Description
callsign The callsign of the station to get the status for. Required.
  "type": "kGetStationState",
  "value": {
    "callsign": "SEA_GND"


Returns the current state for all stations in TrackAudio.

  "type": "kGetStationStates"

HTTP Endpoints


The HTTP endpoint is no longer updated or supported. Use the websockets interface instead.

TrackAudio runs an HTTP server on

The following endpoints are implemented

GET /* -> returns 'TrackAudio/0.0.0' with the current version string

GET /transmitting -> returns nothing or a comma delimited list of callsigns which are transmitting. Empty if nothing.
GET /rx -> returns a comma delimited packet of each frequency that is currently on RX, see example. Empty if nothing.
GET /tx -> returns a comma delimited packet of each frequency that is currently on TX, see example. Empty if nothing.


GET /transmitting -> EJU1652,LSGG_TWR
GET /transmitting -> AFR007
GET /tx -> LFPG_TWR:118.700,LFMN_APP:134.475
GET /rx -> EGLL_N_TWR:118.700

Limitations and notes

  • HTTPS is not supported
  • WSS is not supported