This fork of jhasse/poly2tri was created by Pierre Dejoue 📧.
In this repository I share a number of changes I made to the library for my own purpose. Some of thoses changes impact the API and are listed below.
There is no intent to provide any level of maintainance or support of this repository. It is open source and closed to contributions. That being stated, feel free to submit an issue for a bug report, or a question.
Since there are no Input validation of the data given for triangulation you need to think about this. Poly2Tri does not support repeat points within epsilon.
- If you have a cyclic function that generates random points make sure you don't add the same coordinate twice.
- If you are given input and aren't sure same point exist twice you need to check for this yourself.
- Only simple polygons are supported. You may add holes or interior Steiner points
- Interior holes must not touch other holes, nor touch the polyline boundary
- Use the library in this order:
- Initialize CDT with a simple polyline (this defines the constrained edges)
- Add holes if necessary (also simple polylines)
- Add Steiner points
- Triangulate
Make sure you understand the preceding notice before posting an issue. If you have an issue not covered by the above, include your data-set with the problem. The only easy day was yesterday; have a nice day.
Compared to the forked repository.
- Renamed method Triangle::CircumcircleContains to fix a typo in the name
- Renamed methods Triangle::{Get/Set}DelaunayEdge{CW/CCW} to fix a typo in their name and also change the 'Get' prefix to 'Is'.
- Removed methods Triangle::MarkConstrainedEdge and use Triangle::SetContrainedEdge instead. Those are very unlikely to be used in client code.
- Members Triangle::contrained_edge[] and Triangle::delaunay_edge[] are now private
- Removed function IsDelaunay
- Method Triangle::GetPoint(index) now returns a const Point*
- Many other methods in class Triangle have changed to take or return const Point* instead of references. Most of those methods, despite being public, are unlikely to be used in client code.
- Remove CDT::GetMap(). That method was for debug purpose only and imposed an extra memory cost.
- Removed p2t::Triangle::DebugPrint(). Replaced by overloaded operator<<.
- Orientation enum is now public
- Added method Triangle::GetOrientation()
- Added a default constructor to class CDT
- Method CDT::GetTriangles() returns by const ref
- Added methods CDT::AddPolyline(polyline) and CDT::AddPoints(points)
- Make the Point structure safer and more flexible:
- Remove the edge_list from Point
- New API CDT::Add{Polyline/Hole/Points} with pointer + size arguments
- Never modify the user's Point data (const Point*)
- Add CDT::GetTrianglesCount()
- Add CDT::GetTriangles(output_iterator)
- Add CDT::AddOpenPolyline(...)
- Neighbor triangles in the triangulation result are now consistent (no links to triangles exterior to the CDT)
- Add CDT::LastTriangulationInfo()
- Add CDT::ClearInput()
Core poly2tri lib:
- C++17
- Standard Template Library (STL)
Unit tests:
- Boost (filesystem, test framework)
- OpenGL
With the ninja build system installed:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -GNinja ..
cmake --build .
With the ninja build system:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -GNinja -DP2T_BUILD_TESTS=ON ..
cmake --build .
ctest --output-on-failure
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -GNinja -DP2T_BUILD_TESTBED=ON ..
cmake --build .
meson setup build && cd build
meson compile
Load data points from a file:
build/testbed/p2t <filename> <center_x> <center_y> <zoom>
Load data points from a file and automatically fit the geometry to the window:
build/testbed/p2t <filename>
Random distribution of points inside a constrained box:
build/testbed/p2t random <num_points> <box_radius> <zoom>
build/testbed/p2t testbed/data/dude.dat 350 500 3.0
build/testbed/p2t testbed/data/nazca_monkey.dat
build/testbed/p2t random 10 100 5.0
build/testbed/p2t random 1000 100 5.0
- Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to zoom in/out
- Use BACKSPACE to reset zoom
- Use ESCAPE to quit
- Domiter V. and Zalik B. (2008) Sweep‐line algorithm for constrained Delaunay triangulation
- Zalik B. (2005) An efficient sweep-line Delaunay triangulation algorithm
- FlipScan by library author Thomas Åhlén: