A toy implementation of an archetype based ECS.
Supports up to 128 components of any type.
See benchmarks
for usage examples.
Position :: distinct [3]f32
Velocity :: distinct [3]f32
Color :: distinct [4]f32
main :: proc() {
world := ecs.World{}
defer ecs.destroy(&world)
ecs.register_component(&world, Position)
ecs.register_component(&world, Velocity)
ecs.register_component(&world, Color)
eid := ecs.add_entity(&world)
ecs.entity_add_component(&world, eid, Position{0, 5, 0})
ecs.entity_add_component(&world, eid, Velocity{0, -1, 0})
it := ecs.query(world, {include = {Position, Velocity}, not = {Color}})
defer delete(it.tables)
for ecs.query_next(&it) {
positions := ecs.query_get_field(&it, Position, [3]f32)
velocities := ecs.query_get_field(&it, Velocity, [3]f32)
for i in 0 ..< it.count {
positions[i] += velocities[i]