My Projects for Udacity Google India Challenge Scholarship in Android Basics Nanodegree Course for Phase 2
Your design must include:
- Business name
- At least one photo representing the business
- Two or more other pieces of information, such as:
- Contact information for the business (eg phone number, email address, website)
(i) Address of the Business
(ii) Description of business
(iii) Hours of operation
I have made the project for a local hand tools company "Harisons International" . I have included their company profile, the time they're open for, and other contact details. I have used scrollview in collapsing bar layout for the same.
YouTube Link -
Your design must include:
- Either multiple amounts of points that can be scored, as in american football, or multiple important metrics to track, such as fouls, outs, and innings in baseball.
- App is divided into two columns, one for each team.
- Each column contains a large TextView to keep track of the current score for that team.
- Each column contains multiple buttons to track scoring
- The layout contains a ‘reset’ button.
I have made an Archery Score Keeper App. The buttons are coloured according to their colour on the dartboard of an Archery Game. The farthest (coloured white) fetches the least scores, while the innermost (coloured yellow) fetches the highest scores and so on. Scrollview has been used to implement the project.
YouTube Link -
The app must include:
- 4 - 10 questions, including at least one check box, one radio button, and one text entry.
- Questions are in a variety of formats such as free text response, checkboxes, and radio buttons.
- App includes a button for the user to submit their answers and receive a score.
- The app gracefully handles displaying all the content on screen when rotated. (this is achieved by adding ScrollView)
- The grading logic checks each answer correctly. The app accurately calculates the number of correct answers
I have made a GitHub quiz. The quiz contains 5 questions, out of which there is one editText field question, one checkBox question and the rest three are radiogroups. Toast messages are raised if the person doesn't complete the whole quiz or leaves one or more answer(s) blank. Toast messages are also raised according to the quiz-taker's performance.