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Merge pull request #1299 from dgreatwood/flushRace #136

Merge pull request #1299 from dgreatwood/flushRace

Merge pull request #1299 from dgreatwood/flushRace #136

Workflow file for this run

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Duncan Greatwood
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# See:
name: Windows
- master
- master
shell: powershell
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: Windows with Libevent
fail-fast: false
os: [ 'windows-2019', 'windows-latest' ] # Oct/2024, latest = 2022
compiler: [ 'msvc', 'gcc' ] # Could also add clang
sanitizer: [ 'address', 'none' ]
tls: [ 'true', 'false' ]
def_debug: [ 'true', 'false' ]
# VS only supports address sanitizer as of Oct/2024
# mingw-gcc does not support any sanitizer as of Oct/2024
- compiler: gcc
sanitizer: address
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
# For Windows, we check out first, before installing
# dependencies, so we can use the Pistache scripts
# msvcsetup.ps1 and gccsetup.ps1 for dependency installation
- name: Install dependencies (Windows)
mtrx_compiler: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
if: contains(matrix.os, 'windows')
run: >
# Save variables that we store to a file to be restored on next step
$csvarray = @()
if ($env:mtrx_compiler -eq "msvc") {
. winscripts\msvcsetup.ps1
cd ~
$myobj = "" | Select "name", "val";
$ = "launch_vs_dev_shell_dir";
$myobj.val = $launch_vs_dev_shell_dir;
$csvarray += $myobj
if ($vs_instance_id) {
$myobj = "" | Select "name", "val";
$ = "vs_instance_id";
$myobj.val = $vs_instance_id;
$csvarray += $myobj
if ($dev_shell_path) {
$myobj = "" | Select "name", "val";
$ = "dev_shell_path";
$myobj.val = $dev_shell_path;
$csvarray += $myobj
if ($env:VSCMD_DEBUG) {
$myobj = "" | Select "name", "val";
$ = "env:VSCMD_DEBUG";
$myobj.val = $env:VSCMD_DEBUG;
$csvarray += $myobj
} # end 'if ($env:mtrx_compiler -eq "msvc") {...}'
elseif ($env:mtrx_compiler -eq "gcc") {
$env:force_msys_gcc = "Y";
. winscripts\gccsetup.ps1
else { # Use clang with MSVC (MSVC's stdlib etc.)
if ($env:CXX) {
$myobj = "" | Select "name", "val";
$ = "env:CXX";
$myobj.val = $env:CXX;
$csvarray += $myobj
if ($env:CC) {
$myobj = "" | Select "name", "val";
$ = "env:CC";
$myobj.val = $env:CC;
$csvarray += $myobj
if ($env:CXX_LD) {
$myobj = "" | Select "name", "val";
$ = "env:CXX_LD";
$myobj.val = $env:CXX_LD;
$csvarray += $myobj
if (Test-Path -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\doxygen.bin") {
if ($env:PKG_CONFIG_PATH) {
$myobj = "" | Select "name", "val";
$ = "env:PKG_CONFIG_PATH";
$myobj.val = $env:PKG_CONFIG_PATH;
$csvarray += $myobj
if ($env:Path) {
$myobj = "" | Select "name", "val";
$ = "env:Path";
$myobj.val = $env:Path;
$csvarray += $myobj
# Save vars for use in later steps
cd ~;
$csvarray | export-csv "tmpvars.csv"
cat "tmpvars.csv"
- name: Configure Meson
mtrx_compiler: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
mtrx_def_debug: ${{ matrix.def_debug }}
mtrx_tls: ${{ matrix.tls }}
mtrx_sanitizer: ${{ matrix.sanitizer }}
run: >
cd ~;
$impcsv = import-csv -Path "tmpvars.csv";
foreach ($impobj in $impcsv) {
$assign_cmd=-join('$', "$impobj_name", '="', "$impobj_val", '"');
echo "assign_cmd is $assign_cmd";
Invoke-Expression "$assign_cmd"
if ($env:mtrx_compiler -eq "msvc") {
# Start a Visual Studio Developer Prompt, for access to compiler "cl"
if (($dev_shell_path) -and (Test-Path -Path $dev_shell_path)) {
Write-Host "Doing Import-Module and Enter-VsDevShell";
Import-Module "$dev_shell_path";
Enter-VsDevShell -VsInstanceId $vs_instance_id -SkipAutomaticLocation -DevCmdDebugLevel Basic -DevCmdArguments '-arch=x64'
elseif (($launch_vs_dev_shell_dir) -and (Test-Path -Path $launch_vs_dev_shell_dir)) {
cd "$launch_vs_dev_shell_dir";
./Launch-VsDevShell.ps1 -Arch amd64 -HostArch amd64
else {
"ERROR: Failed to start Visual Studio Developer Prompt"
# Import vars again in case starting dev prompt overwrote anything
cd ~;
$impcsv = import-csv -Path "tmpvars.csv";
foreach ($impobj in $impcsv) {
$assign_cmd=-join('$', "$impobj_name", '="', "$impobj_val", '"');
echo "assign_cmd is $assign_cmd";
Invoke-Expression "$assign_cmd"
cd "$savedpwd"
meson setup build -DPISTACHE_BUILD_TESTS=true -DPISTACHE_DEBUG="$env:mtrx_def_debug" -DPISTACHE_USE_SSL="$env:mtrx_tls" -DPISTACHE_BUILD_EXAMPLES=true -DPISTACHE_BUILD_DOCS=false -DPISTACHE_USE_CONTENT_ENCODING_DEFLATE=true -DPISTACHE_USE_CONTENT_ENCODING_BROTLI=true -DPISTACHE_USE_CONTENT_ENCODING_ZSTD=true --buildtype=debug -Db_coverage=true -Db_sanitize="$env:mtrx_sanitizer" -Db_lundef=false --prefix="$env:ProgramFiles\pistache_distribution"
if (Test-Path -Path 'build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt') {
cat build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt
else {
Write-Error "ERROR: No meson output log found"
- name: Build
mtrx_compiler: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
run: >
cd ~;
$impcsv = import-csv -Path "tmpvars.csv";
foreach ($impobj in $impcsv) {
$assign_cmd=-join('$', "$impobj_name", '="', "$impobj_val", '"');
echo "assign_cmd is $assign_cmd";
Invoke-Expression "$assign_cmd"
if ($env:mtrx_compiler -eq "msvc") {
# Start a Visual Studio Developer Prompt, for access to compiler "cl"
if (($dev_shell_path) -and (Test-Path -Path $dev_shell_path)) {
Write-Host "Doing Import-Module and Enter-VsDevShell";
Import-Module "$dev_shell_path";
Enter-VsDevShell -VsInstanceId $vs_instance_id -SkipAutomaticLocation -DevCmdDebugLevel Basic -DevCmdArguments '-arch=x64'
elseif (($launch_vs_dev_shell_dir) -and (Test-Path -Path $launch_vs_dev_shell_dir)) {
cd "$launch_vs_dev_shell_dir";
./Launch-VsDevShell.ps1 -Arch amd64 -HostArch amd64
else {
"ERROR: Failed to start Visual Studio Developer Prompt"
# Import vars again in case starting dev prompt overwrote anything
cd ~;
$impcsv = import-csv -Path "tmpvars.csv";
foreach ($impobj in $impcsv) {
$assign_cmd=-join('$', "$impobj_name", '="', "$impobj_val", '"');
echo "assign_cmd is $assign_cmd";
Invoke-Expression "$assign_cmd"
cd "$savedpwd"
ninja -C build all meson-test-prereq
- name: Test
mtrx_compiler: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
mtrx_def_debug: ${{ matrix.def_debug }}
run: >
cd ~;
$impcsv = import-csv -Path "tmpvars.csv";
foreach ($impobj in $impcsv) {
$assign_cmd=-join('$', "$impobj_name", '="', "$impobj_val", '"');
echo "assign_cmd is $assign_cmd";
Invoke-Expression "$assign_cmd"
# To make log messages for the test executables go to stdout,
# we can set the registry value psLogToStdoutAsWell to 1, as below.
#if (($env:mtrx_compiler -eq "gcc") -and
# ($env:mtrx_def_debug -eq "false")) {
# $registryPath = "HKCU:\Software\pistacheio\pistache";
# $valName = "psLogToStdoutAsWell";
# if (! (Test-Path $registryPath)) {
# Write-Error "pistache registry entry missing?"
# }
# else {
# New-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name $valName
# -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force
# }
# }
# Alternatively, you could write the logging to a csv file. Do:
# logman start -f csv -ets Pistache -p "Pistache-Provider" 0 0 -o pistachelog.csv
# Then after "meson test" has run:
# logman stop Pistache -ets
# cat pistachelog.csv
# or
# logman stop Pistache -ets
# $plogcsv = import-csv -Path "pistachelog.csv"
# Write-Host $plogcsv
if ($env:mtrx_compiler -eq "msvc") {
# Start a Visual Studio Developer Prompt
if (($dev_shell_path) -and (Test-Path -Path $dev_shell_path)) {
Write-Host "Doing Import-Module and Enter-VsDevShell";
Import-Module "$dev_shell_path";
Enter-VsDevShell -VsInstanceId $vs_instance_id -SkipAutomaticLocation -DevCmdDebugLevel Basic -DevCmdArguments '-arch=x64'
elseif (($launch_vs_dev_shell_dir) -and (Test-Path -Path $launch_vs_dev_shell_dir)) {
cd "$launch_vs_dev_shell_dir";
./Launch-VsDevShell.ps1 -Arch amd64 -HostArch amd64
else {
"ERROR: Failed to start Visual Studio Developer Prompt"
# Import vars again in case starting dev prompt overwrote anything
cd ~;
$impcsv = import-csv -Path "tmpvars.csv";
foreach ($impobj in $impcsv) {
$assign_cmd=-join('$', "$impobj_name", '="', "$impobj_val", '"');
echo "assign_cmd is $assign_cmd";
Invoke-Expression "$assign_cmd"
cd "$savedpwd"
meson test --no-rebuild -C build --verbose
# Use the following to run just a single test (e.g. http_server_test)
# build/tests/run_http_server_test
# Test for Windows ETW Log Entries
cd "$savedpwd";
logman start -ets Pistache -p "Pistache-Provider" 0 0 -o pistache.etl
cd "build/tests";
cd "..\..";
logman stop Pistache -ets
$fst5 =
Get-WinEvent -path "pistache.etl" -Oldest | Select-Object -First 5
cd "$savedpwd"
foreach ($evitm in $fst5) {
if ($evitm.Id -eq 102) {
if (! ($ldn -contains "Information")) {
Write-Error "log LevelDisplayName not as expected: $ldn";
throw "Windows log LevelDisplayName not as expected";
if ((! $id_102_start_msg_count) -and
((! ("$msg" -like "*INFO*")) -or
(! ("$msg" -like "*Pistache start*")))) {
Write-Warning "log msg not as expected: $msg";
else {
if ($evitm.Id -eq 1) {
if (! ($ldn -contains "Verbose")) {
Write-Error "log LevelDisplayName not as expected: $ldn"
throw "Windows log LevelDisplayName not as expected"
if ((! ("$msg" -like "*DEBUG*")) -or
(! ("$msg" -like "*PSTCH*"))) {
Write-Error "log msg not as expected: $msg";
throw "Windows log message not as expected"
if (! $id_102_count) {
throw "No Id=102 / INFO log messages found"
if (! $id_102_start_msg_count) {
throw "No Id=102 / INFO Pistache start message found"
if ($env:mtrx_def_debug -eq "false") {
if ($id_1_count) {
throw "Id=1 / DEBUG log messages found unexpectedly"
else {
if (! $id_1_count) {
throw "No Id=1 / DEBUG log messages found"
Write-Host "Logging test passed"
- name: Install
mtrx_compiler: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
mtrx_def_debug: ${{ matrix.def_debug }}
run: >
cd ~;
$impcsv = import-csv -Path "tmpvars.csv";
foreach ($impobj in $impcsv) {
$assign_cmd=-join('$', "$impobj_name", '="', "$impobj_val", '"');
echo "assign_cmd is $assign_cmd";
Invoke-Expression "$assign_cmd"
if ($env:mtrx_compiler -eq "msvc") {
# Start a Visual Studio Developer Prompt
if (($dev_shell_path) -and (Test-Path -Path $dev_shell_path)) {
Write-Host "Doing Import-Module and Enter-VsDevShell";
Import-Module "$dev_shell_path";
Enter-VsDevShell -VsInstanceId $vs_instance_id -SkipAutomaticLocation -DevCmdDebugLevel Basic -DevCmdArguments '-arch=x64'
elseif (($launch_vs_dev_shell_dir) -and (Test-Path -Path $launch_vs_dev_shell_dir)) {
cd "$launch_vs_dev_shell_dir";
./Launch-VsDevShell.ps1 -Arch amd64 -HostArch amd64
else {
"ERROR: Failed to start Visual Studio Developer Prompt"
# Import vars again in case starting dev prompt overwrote anything
cd ~;
$impcsv = import-csv -Path "tmpvars.csv";
foreach ($impobj in $impcsv) {
$assign_cmd=-join('$', "$impobj_name", '="', "$impobj_val", '"');
echo "assign_cmd is $assign_cmd";
Invoke-Expression "$assign_cmd"
cd "$savedpwd"
if (Test-Path -Path "$env:ProgramFiles\pistache_distribution\bin\pistachelog.dll") {
rm "$env:ProgramFiles\pistache_distribution\bin\pistachelog.dll"
meson install --no-rebuild -C build
if (! (Test-Path -Path "$env:ProgramFiles\pistache_distribution\bin\pistachelog.dll")) {
throw "pistachelog.dll not installed as expected"
# No coverage analysis for Windows