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Step Zero

Vladimir Piskarev edited this page Jun 15, 2020 · 19 revisions

Step Zero: Setting Up

The next step will take you through the entire development process of a Handly-based model. First, though, we need to set up the development environment for our running example.

Setting Up Eclipse

In our case, Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers would be the best choice. This tutorial assumes 2020-06 release. You can find a build for your platform by visiting

Setting Up a Workspace

You may want to checkout example plug-in projects [*] from the Step Zero repository into your workspace to use them as a basis for further development while following along with instructions of the next step: Basic Model. Use the provided file in the org.eclipse.handly.examples.basic project to set the target platform for the example.

Note: In general, there is a separate sub-module repository hosting source code for a particular step of our running example. Each subsequent step takes the source code of the preceding step and adds some more functionality. In that way, you can always checkout the source code of the previous step and use it as a starting point for development of the current step's functionality.

[*] When importing example projects with the import wizard, don't select the option Search for nested projects