Here's a link to the shop that we've built, if you follow this series of blog posts this is what you'll also end up with Pick a Sick Wick.
We've done our own designs for this little demo and they can be found here, so as we take you through how to build this out, I will follow a design that we've done for this series.
This is the repo for the Strapi backend and the Nuxt 3 frontend can be found here 👉
I can't tell you how excited we've been, waiting in anticipation for Nuxt 3 and Strapi 4 to come out, and now they're here, and we're ready to get our hands dirty and start using them straight away. I've always wanted to build an online candle shop, so I thought now's the time, and I can show you how to do it too, so let us go and Pick a Sick Wick.
Make sure to install the dependencies
npm install
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
npm develop