This Python script is released with the paper: LIU Qing-bin, PAN Mao, LIU Jie, GUO Yan-jun, ZHANG Xiao-shuang, YAO Jian-peng, LI Fang-yu. ParaView Visualization and Virtual Reality of Output of Finite Element Analysis in Abaqus[J/OL]. Rock and Soil Mechanics,2019(12):1-9[2019-05-25]. Please cite it if the script is used in your reports/papers.
We suggest the samples from to learn the script.
Note: Some modifications to script is necessary when handle different mission.
Most functions inherit from "" . This version Support Multiple Instances if odb file contains more than 1 instance, and cteate .vtu file for each instance(use frame.fieldOutputs[variable_name].getSubset(region=instance_region), instance_region = odb.rootAssembly.instances[instancename]).
auto create vtk_path if no scalar or vector to be read in odb, use " scalar = '' ", free to select variable(discard order) optimize write function, improve loop efficiency for big model
You can test from Samples/xxx.odb with Abaqus version >= 2019. For more infomation, please sent your email to, or go to