#Relevant Dropdown
##A HTML5 datalist polyfill that depends on jQuery and Modernizr.
Datalist browser support (Dec 2011) is Firefox 4+, Opera 10.6+, and IE 10. It's reasonable that you'd want WebKit support. So. This.
###Example HTML5 Markup
<input type="search" list="states" placeholder="Find U.S. State">
<datalist id="states">
<option value="Alabama">
<option value="Alaska">
<!-- all states -->
###Include jQuery and Modernizr in head of document
<script src="js/jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
<script src="js/modernizr.custom.50983.js"></script>
###Run the Modernizr test, and load polyfill stuff if needed
test : (!Modernizr.input.list || (parseInt($.browser.version) > 400)),
yep : [
load-fallbacks.js calls the plugin. Example contents:
fadeOutSpeed: 0, // optional, default: 'normal;
change: function(new_text) {
console.log('the new value is: ', new_text);
- Better IE styling (drop shadows don't work)
- Remove Modernizr and jQuery dependancies (make totally standalone)