This repository contains my solution for the Porto Seguro Safe Driver Prediction competition: This solution ranked 138 of 5170.
The goal of this competition was to find out whether a driver will make a claim or not. Due to the fact that the data was anonymized feature engineering was difficult. Therefore my solution focuses mainly on emsembling a variety of models using weighted blending.
The majority of models were trained in the notebook Predictor . This includes the gradient Boosted Decision Trees LightGBM, XGBoost, CatBoost and the Regularized Greedy Forest rgf_python. For more variety 3 modified versions of public kernels from other Kaggle users were used aswell. These kernels used LightGBM, XGBoost, rgf_python and keras.
In addition the Field-Aware Factorization Machine LibFFM was trained in the notebook LibFFM Predictor . The used library is a modified LibFFM version that supports early stopping with patience.
All models were trained using mostly 5-fold cross validation multiple times. Each model was trained each time on different cross validation random seeds. The predictions of all runs of a model were averaged. The averaged predictions were blended in the last step.
The models were ensembled in the notebook Ensembling . The ensembling method used was weighted blending. A self-written optimization algorithm was used to optimize the weights using the out-of-fold predictions. This algorithm decided not to use XGBoost and CatBoost for the final submission.