Flask-Rebar combines flask, marshmallow, and swagger for robust REST services.
- Request and Response Validation - Flask-Rebar relies on schemas from the popular Marshmallow package to validate incoming requests and marshal outgoing responses.
- Automatic Swagger Generation - The same schemas used for validation and marshaling are used to automatically generate OpenAPI specifications (a.k.a. Swagger). This also means automatic documentation via Swagger UI.
- Error Handling - Uncaught exceptions from Flask-Rebar are converted to appropriate HTTP errors.
from flask import Flask
from flask_rebar import errors, Rebar
from marshmallow import fields, Schema
from my_app import database
rebar = Rebar()
# All handler URL rules will be prefixed by '/v1'
registry = rebar.create_handler_registry(prefix='/v1')
class TodoSchema(Schema):
id = fields.Integer()
complete = fields.Boolean()
description = fields.String()
# This schema will validate the incoming request's query string
class GetTodosQueryStringSchema(Schema):
complete = fields.Boolean()
# This schema will marshal the outgoing response
class GetTodosResponseSchema(Schema):
data = fields.Nested(TodoSchema, many=True)
response_body_schema=GetTodosResponseSchema(), # for versions <= 1.7.0, use marshal_schema
def get_todos():
This docstring will be rendered as the operation's description in
the auto-generated OpenAPI specification.
# The query string has already been validated by `query_string_schema`
complete = rebar.validated_args.get('complete')
# Errors are converted to appropriate HTTP errors
raise errors.Forbidden()
# The response will be marshaled by `marshal_schema`
return {'data': []}
def create_app(name):
app = Flask(name)
return app
if __name__ == '__main__':
For a more complete example, check out the example app at examples/todo.py. Some example requests to this example app can be found at examples/todo_output.md.
pip install flask-rebar
If you'd like to replace swagger-ui's static files (flask_rebar/swagger_ui/static) with those of the latest release, run the following from the root of the project.
curl -L https://api.github.com/repos/swagger-api/swagger-ui/tarball | tar -xv --directory=flask_rebar/swagger_ui/static --strip-components=2 "*/dist/"
More extensive documentation can be found here.
Flask-Rebar is extensible! Here are some open source extensions:
- Flask-Rebar-Auth0 - Auth0 authenticator for Flask-Rebar
There is still work to be done, and contributions are encouraged! Check out the contribution guide for more information.