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My beatufyl config for awesome wm 4.0


Screenshot1 Screenshot2

Clone this repo:

git clone ~/.config/awesome

Update submodule:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Visual settings:

AwesomeWM Theme:

GTK Theme and other settings:

Vim Solarized theme:


  • DejaVu Sans Mono

Using program:

  • Terminal: xfce4-terminal
  • Browser: firefox
  • Backlight: xbacklight
  • Menu: rofi

GUI program:

  • File manager: thunar
  • Pulse mixer: pavucontrol
  • Block X: slock from sucless tools
  • xfsettingsd

Default shortcut

Using shortcuts: Win key + another keys


Left, Right     -> Prev/Next tags,
Esc             -> Prev history tags,
Tab             -> Focus to prev client from history
Ctrl r          -> Awesome restart
Ctrl q          -> Awesome quit
x               -> Run lua code

j,k             -> Prev/Next client
Ctrl j,k        -> Prev/Next screen
Shift j,k       -> Replace client

h,l             -> Resize master/slave part
Shift h,l       -> Inc/Dec number client in master part
Ctrl h,l        -> Inc/Dec column in slave part

u               -> Focus to first urgent client
Space           -> Next layout
Shift Space     -> Prev layout

Shortcut for focused client:

Ctrl Space      -> Toggle floating
n               -> Minimize
Ctrl n          -> Restore client (Undo minimize)
f               -> Toggle fullscreen
Shift c         -> Kill focused client
Ctrl Enter      -> Swap to master
o               -> Send to next screen
t               -> Toggle ontop
m               -> Toggle maximized

Shortcut for focused floating client:

PgUp,PgDn       -> Resize by vertical (Inc/Dec)
Home,End        -> Resize by horizontal (Inc/Dec)
Shift Arrow     -> Replace by direction Left/Right/Up/Down


Num(1..9)       -> Switch to tag
Shift Num(1..9) -> Replace focused client to tag
Ctrl Num(1..9)  -> Toggle view Num tag in current tag

Program shortcut:

,.              -> Inc/Dec backlight (hight step)
Shift ,.        -> Inc/Dec backlight (small step)
e               -> GVim
s               -> Pavucontrol (sound mixer)
d               -> Dmenu (programm menu)
g               -> Thunar (file manager)
i               -> Iceweasel (internet browser)
p               -> Xfce-appfinder (GUI menu)
b               -> slock (block X)
w               -> list all opened windows (in dmenu)
W               -> list all opened windows in current desktop (in dmenu)


[ ] Need local config for specific key bindings, set wallpapers, layouts and display settings


config for awesome wm







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