The purpose of this service is to provide a simple JSON webservice to the language detection java library
To generate the project jar :
$ ./sbt assembly
Then, to start the server :
$ java -jar target/scala-2.10/language-detector-server-assembly-0.1.0.jar
There are other options available :
$ java -jar target/scala-2.10/language-detector-server-assembly-0.1.0.jar -help
To query the endpoint just POST a JSON query to :
The JSON query format is the following :
[{"id": "request-id", "text": "Text to detect"}, ...]
The JSON response format is the following :
[{"id": "request-id", result: [{"lang": "en", "prob": "0.999"},...]}, ...]
Here is a request example using curl and python for JSON pretty formating :
$ curl -s -d '[{"id":"test-fr","text":"Bonjour tout le monde"}, {"id":"test-en","text":"My name is Pascal"}]' http://localhost:8080/lang-detector | python -mjson.tool
The admin page is located at :
For more information and documentation about twitter-server :