Translator miniKanren to Haskell
- Install
build tool Stack - Execute
cd uKanren_translator
stack build
stack exec -- ktrans
The program will pull miniKanren
programs from the 'resources' directory,
translate them in some directions and put the resulted Haskell
programs in the
'test' directory.
You have a miniKanren
program appendo
It's a relation, which links 3 lists where the first 2 are concatenation of the
third one.
:: appendo x y xy =
(x === [] /\ xy === y) \/
([h t ty:
x === h % t /\ xy === h % ty /\ {appendo t y ty}])
"It's a relation" means you can execute it in different directions, fixing arguments.
For example, if you fix the first two arguments x
and y
and execute
appendo x y
, you get concatenation of 2 lists.
If you fix the last one and execute appendo xy
, you get pairs of all lists,
concatenation of which ones gets the list xy
To make translation in not relational language, you need to choose
a direction of translation.
As a result, translated appendo x y
in Haskell
looks like such way:
appendoIIO x0 x1 = appendoIIO0 x0 x1 ++ appendoIIO1 x0 x1
appendoIIO0 s0@[] s1 = do
let s2 = s1
return $ (s2)
appendoIIO0 _ _ = []
appendoIIO1 s0@(s3 : s4) s1 = do
(s5) <- appendoIIO s4 s1
let s2 = (s3 : s5)
return $ (s2)
appendoIIO1 _ _ = []
and appendo xy
appendoOOI x0 = appendoOOI0 x0 ++ appendoOOI1 x0
appendoOOI0 s2@s1 = do
let s0 = []
return $ (s0, s1)
appendoOOI0 _ = []
appendoOOI1 s2@(s3 : s5) = do
(s4, s1) <- appendoOOI s5
let s0 = (s3 : s4)
return $ (s0, s1)
appendoOOI1 _ = []
Use the next syntax to create a miniKanren
Prog -> Def* Goal
Term -> Ident | '<' Ident : Term* '>'
Def -> :: Ident Ident* = Goal
Goal -> Disj | Fresh | Invoke
Fresh -> '[' Ident+ ':' Goal ']'
Invoke -> '{' Ident Term* '}'
Disj -> Conj ('\/' Conj)*
Conj -> Pat ('/\' Pat)*
Pat -> Term '===' Term | Fin
Fin -> Fresh | '(' Disj ')'
- Refactor the translator based on bta
- Add user interface
- Move test execution in
- Update latex files