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Your dotfiles are how you personalize your system.

Here’s how I set up mine.


About 🔭

Everything’s built around topic areas. Each topic has its own directory.

There are a few special files in the hierarchy.

  • Brewfile: Contains a list of tools for Homebrew to install. You might want to edit this file before running any initial setup.
  • bin/: Anything in here will get added to your $PATH.
  • topic/*.zsh: Files ending in .zsh get loaded into your environment.
  • topic/path.zsh: Files named path.zsh are loaded first and are expected to set up $PATH or similar.
  • topic/completion.zsh: Files named completion.zsh are loaded last and are expected to set up autocomplete.
  • topic/ Files named are executed when you run script/install. To avoid being loaded automatically, their extension is .sh, not .zsh.
  • topic/*.symlink: Files named *.symlink get symlinked into your $HOME. This is so you can keep them versioned in your dotfiles repo while also making them available in your home directory.

Installation 🪛

To get started, run:

# Clone this repository
git clone ~/.dotfiles

# Change into the new directory
cd ~/.dotfiles

# Run the bootstrap script

This will symlink the appropriate files to your home directory.

The bin/dot tool is a simple helper which installs dependencies, sets sane OS defaults, and so on. Tweak and occasionally run dot to keep your environment fresh and up-to-date.

If you would like to install Homebrew to an alternative location, e.g. ~/Developer/Homebrew, do so before running the bootstrap script.

Thanks 🙇

This project is adapted from Zach Holman’s neat dotfiles, trimming down on parts and pulling in pieces from:

Special thanks to Tim Pope for his excellent Vim plugins.


  • Vim Script 66.2%
  • Shell 25.3%
  • Vim Snippet 7.3%
  • Ruby 1.2%