To run this locally, please install all npm and bower dependencies and gulp
npm install
bower install
npm install --global gulp-cli
then, to be able to run it in browser, you need to
- Run node server
node index.js
But if you want to write some server side logic without pain, we suggest you to have Nodemon installed globally on your system. You can install it with this command
npm install -g nodemon
then you can just type
npm run dev
in terminal and be free of restarting server every time after changing 'foo' to 'bar'.
Before start you should also build main.css styles using
gulp styles
After this you can open http://localhost:3001/ in browser if you set up database correctly.
If you want to change *.scss files (because we write styles in scss), then you need to type
in other Terminal window, to run watcher, which builds css files on the fly.
Get installation here:
Installer version: Version 9.2
During installation enter password: AdminUser1**
Leave port field with value 5432
Then in pgAdmin connect to DB server on localhost and create 'storehouse' database
To reset database, type in browser
- - nodejs ORM for PostgreSQL
- Before commit run 'gulp lint' in terminal. Commit only in case of 0 problems in response.
- Create new branch for every task from Taiga and name it appropriately
- Commit as often as you need (at least once a day)
- After finishing task create Pull Request in base branch and assign it to a responsible person
- Write useful comments to commit, not just 'some updates', or 'minor fix'. Don't be afraid of long comments.
- To be continued...
We are using:
- WebStorm for development
- ESlint for same coding style. How to setup in WebStorm:
- TODOs comments as " // TODO SH ... " for easing search of project-specific tasks
- as task tracking system
Server mail: email - password - ael,jrc123