$ meteor add fourseven:scss
$ meteor add poetic:materialize-scss
$ meteor remove materialize:materialize # if you have materialize installed
Add the following lines to your last-loaded scss file (E.G. main.scss):
// If you want to override materialize sass variables you can uncomment the following:
// @import "{poetic:materialize-scss}/sass/components/_color.scss";
// $primary-color: color("blue", "lighten-2");
// import main scss file
@import "{poetic:materialize-scss}/sass/materialize.scss";
Icons are automatically imported from this package.
You do NOT have to add an additional head element mentioned at http://materializecss.com/icons.html.
Read more about the MaterialIcons at https://google.github.io/material-design-icons/
Javascript is automatically imported from this package.
2016-04-18 update to materializecss 0.97.6
2016-01-28 update to materializecss 0.97.5
2015-11-22 update to materializecss 0.97.3
- We rewrote the package as a fork and archived the previous gitrop. If you are looking for code in a version lower than 1.97.3, please check the archived repo. (Breaking)
2015-10-01 update package for METEOR@1.2 (Breaking)
- fourseven:scss is updated to 3.3.3_1
- scss.json is not used anymore.
- index.scss is not autoupdated anymore, you need to manullay update index.scss.
2015-06-26 upgrade to 0.97.0
Icon Change (Breaking):
<i class="mdi-content-add"></i>
is still supported.However you should use
<i class="material-icons">add</i>
instead as metioned in the materialize doc.
git checkout master
git pull https://github.com/Dogfalo/materialize.git master --tags
git checkout meteor
git rebase master
// check if we need to add new files to package.js
// change meteor package version
// test
meteor publish