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Determine the most depended-upon packages of npm by direct dependency counting.


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most depended-upon packages of npm

Sometimes you just need to know which packages are the most important to the npm ecosystem.

how to use

  1. Download list of available packages (including meta information) from npm
    • curl -o package_index_$(date --iso-8601=seconds).json
    • WARNING: This file is HUGE, around 50 GB
  2. Preprocess that JSON
    • python --preprocess --infile package_index.json
    • Grab a coffee this may take a while
  3. Count dependencies
    • python
  4. Build dependency tree
    • python --dependency_tree --package
  5. Profit
usage: [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--preprocess] [--infile INFILE]
               [--dependency_tree] [--package PACKAGE] [--outfile OUTFILE] [--limit LIMIT]

Calculate the most-depended upon packages on npm.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Which logelevel to use (default: INFO)
  --preprocess          Preprocess the package index to speed up processing (default: False)
  --infile INFILE       Filename of the package list you downloaded from npm (default: None)
  --dependency_tree     Build a dependency tree for a given package (default: False)
  --package PACKAGE     Package for which a dependency tree should be build (default: None)
  --outfile OUTFILE     Filename to which results will be written (default: most_depended_upon.json)
  --limit LIMIT         Return the n most depended-upon packages only, use -1 for untruncted results
                        (default: -1)

dependency tree for
 +-- accepts
 |   +-- mime-types
 |   |   +-- mime-db
 |   +-- negotiator
 +-- base64id
 +-- cookie
 +-- cors
 |   +-- object-assign
 |   +-- vary
 +-- debug
 |   +-- ms
 +-- ws

1000 most depended-upon (26th of January 2021)

# name count
0 lodash 92370
1 chalk 58087
2 react 48897
3 commander 45843
4 request 40684
5 tslib 40060
6 express 39589
7 axios 35635
8 fs-extra 34147
9 vue 33778
10 react-dom 33724
11 moment 31166
12 prop-types 30788
13 debug 30133
14 async 24552
15 core-js 23989
16 inquirer 22815
17 bluebird 20149
18 yargs 19658
19 uuid 19554
20 classnames 18418
21 underscore 18193
22 webpack 18084
23 mkdirp 17678
24 glob 17476
25 rxjs 16607
26 typescript 15437
27 colors 15297
28 @babel/runtime 14524
29 minimist 14513
30 body-parser 14416
31 jquery 13964
32 @types/node 13693
33 semver 13103
34 dotenv 12998
35 node-fetch 12947
36 babel-loader 12389
37 ora 11833
38 eslint 11643
39 babel-runtime 11571
40 yeoman-generator 11440
41 css-loader 11247
42 rimraf 10972
43 @babel/core 10811
44 shelljs 10667
45 through2 10536
46 cheerio 10439
47 babel-core 10263
48 style-loader 10086
49 js-yaml 9873
50 vue-router 9686
51 @angular/core 9311
52 redux 9134
53 babel-eslint 9094
54 eslint-plugin-import 9090
55 winston 8903
56 file-loader 8848
57 @angular/common 8639
58 eslint-plugin-react 8634
59 zone.js 8531
60 jsonwebtoken 8409
61 aws-sdk 8295
62 node-sass 8251
63 handlebars 8171
64 q 8124
65 styled-components 8088
66 ws 8051
67 html-webpack-plugin 8051
68 @angular/platform-browser 7981
69 webpack-dev-server 7953
70 url-loader 7857
71 @angular/compiler 7732
72 @angular/forms 7577
73 postcss-loader 7481
74 @angular/platform-browser-dynamic 7465
75 gulp 7358
76 react-redux 7301
77 ejs 7192
78 sass-loader 7146
79 ramda 7100
80 object-assign 7091
81 @angular/router 7087
82 @babel/preset-env 6880
83 bootstrap 6831
84 react-router-dom 6726
85 path 6617
86 jest 6600
87 6467
88 mocha 6454
89 autoprefixer 6436
90 mongoose 6387
91 reflect-metadata 6366
92 gulp-util 6353
93 qs 6315
94 chokidar 6274
95 eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y 6232
96 yosay 6199
97 vuex 6140
98 mongodb 6097
99 superagent 6090
100 @alifd/next 6062
101 react-scripts 5962
102 babel-polyfill 5946
103 @angular/animations 5866
104 chai 5842
105 request-promise 5832
106 less 5751
107 ember-cli-babel 5726
108 babel-preset-es2015 5703
109 prettier 5678
110 xml2js 5651
111 fs 5620
112 @types/react 5545
113 morgan 5342
114 postcss 5312
115 @angular/http 5301
116 resolve 5268
117 execa 5263
118 deepmerge 5238
119 redis 5090
120 nan 5044
121 cors 5035
122 loader-utils 5027
123 cookie-parser 4961
124 coffee-script 4913
125 element-ui 4896
126 marked 4882
127 immutable 4825
128 babel-jest 4789
129 download-git-repo 4760
130 mini-css-extract-plugin 4727
131 graphql 4716
132 cross-spawn 4697
133 mime 4649
134 meow 4595
135 eslint-loader 4548
136 co 4537
137 react-dev-utils 4499
138 @types/express 4425
139 mysql 4385
140 promise 4385
141 case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin 4267
142 optimist 4227
143 minimatch 4179
144 eslint-plugin-flowtype 4143
145 whatwg-fetch 4116
146 extract-text-webpack-plugin 4102
147 koa 4082
148 4070
149 react-router 4000
150 open 3943
151 less-loader 3925
152 ajv 3924
153 webpack-manifest-plugin 3918
154 joi 3916
155 babel-preset-react 3909
156 extend 3896
157 globby 3880
158 date-fns 3879
159 babel-preset-env 3855
160 postcss-flexbugs-fixes 3847
161 @typescript-eslint/parser 3818
162 @types/lodash 3770
163 es6-promise 3748
164 @babel/preset-react 3710
165 crypto-js 3710
166 @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 3702
167 isomorphic-fetch 3700
168 antd 3696
169 got 3677
170 figlet 3662
171 @material-ui/core 3658
172 optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin 3657
173 babel-preset-react-app 3653
174 query-string 3641
175 compression 3628
176 npm 3612
177 del 3597
178 update-notifier 3588
179 @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties 3554
180 webpack-cli 3491
181 pg 3474
182 uglify-js 3448
183 eslint-config-react-app 3442
184 @babel/polyfill 3432
185 jsdom 3417
186 eslint-config-prettier 3362
187 node-uuid 3351
188 source-map-support 3346
189 redux-thunk 3335
190 babel-cli 3288
191 validator 3282
192 terser-webpack-plugin 3232
193 eslint-plugin-react-hooks 3228
194 @types/react-dom 3191
195 path-to-regexp 3136
196 invariant 3123
197 nodemailer 3115
198 md5 3097
199 puppeteer 3095
200 dotenv-expand 3065
201 moment-timezone 3048
202 webpack-merge 3025
203 d3 2962
204 form-data 2955
205 camelcase 2950
206 jade 2949
207 font-awesome 2925
208 ember-cli-htmlbars 2892
209 express-session 2852
210 gulp-rename 2848
211 tmp 2847
212 ncp 2835
213 prompt 2833
214 express-validator 2796
215 fsevents 2790
216 mustache 2782
217 highlight.js 2767
218 @testing-library/react 2737
219 history 2726
220 postcss-preset-env 2703
221 angular 2696
222 @testing-library/jest-dom 2695
223 cross-env 2695
224 browserify 2693
225 js-cookie 2687
226 ts-node 2682
227 react-transition-group 2677
228 @types/jsonwebtoken 2676
229 lodash.merge 2674
230 opn 2673
231 lodash.get 2670
232 request-promise-native 2661
233 eslint-plugin-prettier 2653
234 @babel/plugin-transform-runtime 2650
235 cookie-session 2648
236 passport 2630
237 @oclif/command 2626
238 pluralize 2620
239 underscore.string 2612
240 @types/jest 2604
241 log-symbols 2597
242 @oclif/config 2594
243 lru-cache 2588
244 @testing-library/user-event 2564
245 iconv-lite 2555
246 lit-element 2529
247 bignumber.js 2525
248 archiver 2517
249 eslint-config-airbnb 2502
250 progress 2499
251 babel-plugin-transform-runtime 2490
252 koa-router 2484
253 shortid 2480
254 rollup 2442
255 querystring 2429
256 xtend 2423
257 raf 2417
258 ts-loader 2412
259 events 2403
260 mime-types 2390
261 @material-ui/icons 2388
262 log4js 2387
263 esm 2387
264 url 2374
265 readline-sync 2367
266 inherits 2365
267 normalize.css 2364
268 react-native 2355
269 readable-stream 2340
270 vue-template-compiler 2339
271 sequelize 2311
272 identity-obj-proxy 2311
273 @types/cookie-session 2258
274 bunyan 2250
275 babel-preset-stage-0 2237
276 web3 2217
277 connect 2206
278 pug 2204
279 eventemitter3 2191
280 crypto 2183
281 copy-webpack-plugin 2178
282 dayjs 2176
283 cli-table 2167
284 gulp-uglify 2164
285 @svgr/webpack 2163
286 resize-observer-polyfill 2159
287 @emotion/core 2153
288 @oclif/plugin-help 2144
289 nodemon 2142
290 @babel/cli 2141
291 popper.js 2141
292 tslint 2139
293 grunt 2135
294 bindings 2128
295 through 2127
296 source-map 2116
297 postcss-safe-parser 2116
298 strip-ansi 2115
299 config 2112
300 clone 2110
301 lodash.debounce 2107
302 markdown-it 2102
303 react-app-polyfill 2094
304 hoist-non-react-statics 2080
305 graphql-tag 2063
306 datafire 2055
307 jsonfile 2044
308 echarts 2036
309 react-select 2035
310 @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core 2028
311 serve-static 2018
312 babel-plugin-named-asset-import 2018
313 workbox-webpack-plugin 2015
314 clean-webpack-plugin 2011
315 clear 2009
316 vue-loader 2002
317 async-validator 2001
318 @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import 1991
319 warning 1981
320 serve-favicon 1964
321 regenerator-runtime 1951
322 pnp-webpack-plugin 1935
323 lodash.isequal 1930
324 react-helmet 1923
325 multer 1920
326 graceful-fs 1916
327 ip 1902
328 sqlite3 1890
329 @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons 1887
330 simple-git 1883
331 stylus 1878
332 tar 1878
333 webpack-dev-middleware 1875
334 jest-resolve 1864
335 concat-stream 1842
336 color 1838
337 bn.js 1833
338 lodash-es 1833
339 ini 1827
340 react-hot-loader 1821
341 cssnano 1820
342 esprima 1817
343 prismjs 1813
344 browser-sync 1811
345 eslint-plugin-promise 1808
346 babel-register 1806
347 lodash.clonedeep 1800
348 node-nats-streaming 1791
349 @angular/cdk 1780
350 which 1770
351 buffer 1764
352 deep-equal 1762
353 firebase 1760
354 ioredis 1760
355 uglifyjs-webpack-plugin 1758
356 dateformat 1741
357 util 1739
358 boxen 1738
359 http-proxy 1736
360 gulp-sass 1720
361 command-line-args 1716
362 jszip 1713
363 js-beautify 1709
364 vue-property-decorator 1704
365 webpack-hot-middleware 1693
366 cookie 1688
367 @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators 1686
368 acorn 1685
369 cli-color 1684
370 reselect 1684
371 json-loader 1676
372 raw-loader 1667
373 @babel/preset-typescript 1665
374 bcrypt 1662
375 babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread 1656
376 sinon 1655
377 helmet 1649
378 ms 1640
379 amqplib 1637
380 eslint-plugin-node 1633
381 gulp-concat 1632
382 react-bootstrap 1624
383 vue-class-component 1624
384 webpack-bundle-analyzer 1622
385 event-stream 1620
386 xmldom 1619
387 escape-string-regexp 1617
388 validate-npm-package-name 1614
389 @emotion/styled 1606
390 change-case 1603
391 @polymer/polymer 1602
392 gulp-sourcemaps 1600
393 lodash.throttle 1593
394 discord.js 1582
395 xlsx 1567
396 eslint-config-airbnb-base 1563
397 koa-static 1563
398 merge 1560
399 babel 1557
400 pify 1554
401 recompose 1553
402 find-up 1546
403 mobx 1543
404 @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread 1534
405 html-minifier 1529
406 polished 1529
407 eslint-plugin-jest 1525
408 file-saver 1519
409 nunjucks 1506
410 prompts 1504
411 redux-saga 1502
412 knex 1498
413 assert 1494
414 global 1494
415 throttle-debounce 1491
416 json5 1485
417 jest-watch-typeahead 1472
418 recursive-readdir 1468
419 sw-precache-webpack-plugin 1461
420 babel-plugin-transform-class-properties 1453
421 koa-bodyparser 1450
422 http-proxy-middleware 1447
423 vinyl 1444
424 sharp 1421
425 gulp-babel 1408
426 @fortawesome/react-fontawesome 1408
427 mqtt 1407
428 resolve-url-loader 1403
429 @angular/material 1401
430 yaml 1396
431 http-errors 1392
432 configstore 1389
433 mz 1387
434 stylelint 1385
435 listr 1369
436 app-root-path 1366
437 clean-css 1362
438 nconf 1355
439 cross-fetch 1354
440 hammerjs 1353
441 sass 1350
442 codemirror 1348
443 postcss-import 1346
444 bcryptjs 1344
445 node-notifier 1340
446 yamljs 1340
447 gulp-if 1325
448 postcss-normalize 1324
449 html-loader 1321
450 i18next 1310
451 nanoid 1308
452 url-parse 1301
453 redux-logger 1299
454 npmlog 1294
455 child_process 1294
456 temp 1291
457 numeral 1288
458 babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy 1284
459 elliptic 1282
460 url-join 1281
461 eslint-config-standard 1279
462 adm-zip 1272
463 escodegen 1269
464 immer 1268
465 eslint-plugin-standard 1264
466 filesize 1260
467 boom 1259
468 babel-plugin-import 1255
469 passport-local 1250
470 protobufjs 1245
471 consolidate 1238
472 vue-i18n 1237
473 three 1236
474 portfinder 1234
475 pump 1230
476 bs58 1228
477 mysql2 1226
478 @babel/parser 1226
479 lit-html 1225
480 tinycolor2 1220
481 eventemitter2 1219
482 htmlparser2 1219
483 babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props 1213
484 react-icons 1206
485 when 1204
486 webpack-node-externals 1201
487 diff 1199
488 @babel/types 1195
489 faker 1185
490 husky 1183
491 serialport 1183
492 chart.js 1183
493 googleapis 1180
494 gatsby-source-filesystem 1176
495 @types/fs-extra 1174
496 safe-buffer 1167
497 nopt 1161
498 ts-pnp 1159
499 metalsmith 1158
500 babelify 1157
501 @types/uuid 1157
502 fast-glob 1155
503 @babel/register 1154
504 vinyl-fs 1150
505 cosmiconfig 1149
506 argparse 1148
507 ts-jest 1146
508 ethereumjs-util 1144
509 plugin-error 1143
510 canvas 1142
511 hoek 1141
512 micromatch 1141
513 graphql-tools 1140
514 react-router-redux 1139
515 create-react-class 1135
516 http 1130
517 react-dnd 1130
518 slash 1128
519 @hapi/joi 1126
520 react-intl 1123
521 user 1122
522 download 1122
523 unique-random-array 1121
524 pino 1118
525 jwt-decode 1116
526 ethers 1115
527 rollup-plugin-node-resolve 1114
528 friendly-errors-webpack-plugin 1110
529 @octokit/rest 1109
530 read-pkg-up 1109
531 babel-preset-stage-2 1103
532 @types/cordova 1103
533 jimp 1098
534 vuedraggable 1095
535 js-base64 1093
536 object-hash 1080
537 websocket 1072
538 d3-scale 1071
539 mobx-react 1071
540 rc 1070
541 backbone 1070
542 @angular-devkit/core 1066
543 @nestjs/common 1065
544 once 1062
545 sprintf-js 1062
546 jsonschema 1060
547 JSONStream 1058
548 formidable 1055
549 gulp-plumber 1052
550 @babel/runtime-corejs3 1050
551 json-stable-stringify 1048
552 json-stringify-safe 1047
553 leaflet 1047
554 react-dnd-html5-backend 1046
555 @angular-devkit/schematics 1046
556 run-sequence 1045
557 object-path 1045
558 @babel/traverse 1043
559 @types/jquery 1043
560 clsx 1038
561 @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining 1037
562 clipboard 1035
563 rollup-plugin-commonjs 1030
564 arg 1029
565 yargs-parser 1028
566 enzyme 1027
567 material-ui 1023
568 deep-extend 1017
569 vue-hot-reload-api 1011
570 pkginfo 1011
571 unist-util-visit 1006
572 get-port 1003
573 babylon 1001
574 traverse 1001
575 yup 997
576 should 992
577 debounce 987
578 css 979
579 stylelint-config-standard 975
580 react-dropzone 973
581 lodash.set 972
582 cron 972
583 typeorm 972
584 node-emoji 969
585 https-proxy-agent 969
586 image-size 967
587 bip39 965
588 bfj 965
589 clui 962
590 nprogress 962
591 jest-environment-jsdom-fourteen 960
592 eslint-plugin-vue 960
593 apollo-client 956
594 path-exists 951
595 babel-plugin-add-module-exports 950
596 fbjs 949
597 webpack-sources 948
598 rollup-plugin-babel 947
599 escape-html 946
600 method-override 945
601 xmlbuilder 945
602 flat 945
603 emotion 945
604 gm 939
605 node-forge 938
606 xmlhttprequest 935
607 fast-deep-equal 934
608 memoize-one 932
609 shallowequal 928
610 gulp-autoprefixer 927
611 user-home 922
612 require-dir 920
613 split 918
614 karma 914
615 lodash.assign 914
616 localforage 912
617 sax 910
618 connect-history-api-fallback 910
619 tough-cookie 910
620 figures 908
621 co-prompt 903
622 loglevel 899
623 normalize-wheel 897
624 @stencil/core 894
625 mockjs 890
626 clipboardy 889
627 react-test-renderer 889
628 make-dir 887
629 elasticsearch 887
630 inversify 887
631 lint-staged 885
632 lodash.pick 885
633 requireindex 884
634 istanbul 883
635 redux-actions 883
636 get-stdin 881
637 class-validator 878
638 readline 877
639 quill 874
640 react-color 873
641 react-modal 872
642 tape 869
643 parse5 869
644 hapi 865
645 rsvp 865
646 ssh2 863
647 @babel/runtime-corejs2 863
648 inflection 862
649 bower 861
650 node-schedule 860
651 fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin 858
652 eslint-plugin-babel 857
653 enquirer 854
654 string 852
655 systemjs 845
656 walk 842
657 strip-json-comments 840
658 @capacitor/core 840
659 cli-spinner 837
660 cli-ux 834
661 pretty-bytes 834
662 babel-types 833
663 luxon 831
664 grpc 829
665 styled-system 828
666 vuetify 828
667 is-plain-object 827
668 koa-compose 826
669 blessed 823
670 @babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from 822
671 electron 822
672 animate.css 821
673 slugify 821
674 gulp-imagemin 817
675 node-gyp 815
676 lodash.omit 815
677 tweetnacl 812
678 supports-color 812
679 requirejs 810
680 bytes 810
681 command-line-usage 810
682 jasmine 809
683 apollo-cache-inmemory 809
684 prettyjson 808
685 restify 807
686 mathjs 801
687 send 800
688 vue-style-loader 797
689 draft-js 797
690 watch 796
691 @nestjs/core 795
692 @types/classnames 794
693 he 794
694 npm-run-all 793
695 svgo 792
696 gulp-less 791
697 apollo-link-http 790
698 text-table 789
699 randomstring 789
700 sortablejs 789
701 plist 788
702 pm2 787
703 babel-plugin-module-resolver 785
704 btoa 785
705 cli-progress 783
706 d3-selection 782
707 @babel/generator 781
708 gulp-load-plugins 780
709 gulp-watch 780
710 gulp-clean-css 780
711 github 779
712 file-type 779
713 firebase-admin 779
714 @types/node-fetch 777
715 csv-parse 776
716 node-addon-api 775
717 fancy-log 774
718 preact 773
719 d3-array 772
720 on-finished 770
721 @angular/platform-server 768
722 broccoli-merge-trees 766
723 reactstrap 766
724 secp256k1 765
725 create-hash 762
726 next 761
727 @jupyterlab/application 761
728 stylus-loader 760
729 source-map-loader 756
730 pako 755
731 tailwindcss 755
732 estraverse 754
733 install 754
734 html-entities 754
735 gzip-size 753
736 schema-utils 751
737 @aws-sdk/types 751
738 node-cache 750
739 unzip 749
740 @mdx-js/react 749
741 command-exists 748
742 html2canvas 746
743 jshint 745
744 gulp-replace 743
745 apollo-link 742
746 babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types 742
747 errorhandler 741
748 react-native-vector-icons 741
749 lowdb 740
750 formik 737
751 fuse.js 736
752 base-64 735
753 d3-shape 735
754 is-wsl 734
755 react-datepicker 731
756 detect-port 729
757 gatsby-plugin-react-helmet 728
758 @types/react-router-dom 728
759 react-markdown 727
760 xml-js 727
761 big.js 726
762 lodash.camelcase 726
763 class-transformer 724
764 es6-shim 723
765 touch 723
766 https 720
767 @ant-design/icons 720
768 react-i18next 719
769 etag 719
770 vinyl-source-stream 716
771 nedb 715
772 @types/request 714
773 babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs 712
774 wrench 710
775 verror 710
776 @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator 710
777 enzyme-adapter-react-16 710
778 methods 708
779 common-tags 708
780 @material-ui/lab 708
781 pull-stream 706
782 cuid 706
783 react-is 706
784 koa-body 706
785 urijs 706
786 rc-util 706
787 serialize-javascript 705
788 showdown 703
789 react-slick 702
790 lodash.isplainobject 701
791 nyc 700
792 rx 700
793 atob 700
794 rxjs-compat 700
795 base64-js 700
796 ethereumjs-tx 698
797 parseurl 698
798 sanitize-filename 698
799 @types/styled-components 697
800 hash-sum 697
801 log-update 695
802 @babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from 695
803 react-virtualized 695
804 tslint-react 692
805 fp-ts 691
806 broccoli-funnel 690
807 immutability-helper 690
808 imagemin 687
809 react-spring 687
810 ansi-colors 687
811 memory-fs 687
812 deasync 686
813 merge-stream 684
814 valid-url 684
815 tslint-config-prettier 684
816 react-addons-css-transition-group 684
817 node-pre-gyp 682
818 raw-body 677
819 rollup-plugin-terser 676
820 oauth 674
821 lodash.uniq 674
822 google-protobuf 674
823 long 673
824 watchify 672
825 react-motion 671
826 @fortawesome/fontawesome-free 670
827 @types/jasmine 670
828 @types/mocha 669
829 pkg-dir 668
830 @angular/compiler-cli 666
831 level 665
832 is-stream 664
833 multimatch 664
834 cli-table3 663
835 qrcode 662
836 is-url 661
837 consola 659
838 levelup 657
839 winston-daily-rotate-file 657
840 terser 657
841 http-status-codes 656
842 react-draggable 656
843 randombytes 655
844 @aws-cdk/core 654
845 browserslist 654
846 promise-polyfill 652
847 gray-matter 651
848 basic-auth 650
849 lodash.template 650
850 read-pkg 650
851 redux-form 649
852 recast 649
853 ant-design-vue 649
854 stylelint-order 648
855 ali-oss 647
856 read 645
857 @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs 645
858 tar-fs 644
859 jest-pnp-resolver 644
860 react-popper 644
861 chance 642
862 gatsby-plugin-sharp 642
863 content-type 642
864 resolve-from 642
865 table 641
866 swig 640
867 liftoff 638
868 rc-slider 638
869 sync-request 637
870 ignore 636
871 extract-zip 634
872 @types/webpack 633
873 lodash.isempty 633
874 gulp-typescript 631
875 babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import 631
876 os 630
877 gulp-template 627
878 @types/debug 626
879 gulp-postcss 625
880 child-process-promise 624
881 web3-utils 624
882 http-server 622
883 @rollup/plugin-node-resolve 621
884 apollo-server-express 620
885 node-watch 618
886 unified 617
887 @aws-sdk/middleware-stack 617
888 stylelint-scss 616
889 screenfull 615
890 @aws-sdk/config-resolver 615
891 @aws-sdk/middleware-content-length 615
892 lodash.defaults 614
893 signale 614
894 replace-in-file 613
895 mssql 612
896 react-lifecycles-compat 611
897 babel-plugin-macros 611
898 gh-pages 610
899 get-stream 610
900 needle 609
901 babel-traverse 606
902 omit.js 606
903 nodegit 605
904 @azure/ms-rest-js 602
905 utf8 601
906 p-map 601
907 babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node 600
908 grunt-contrib-clean 597
909 convert-source-map 597
910 swiper 597
911 csv 596
912 ink 595
913 awesome-typescript-loader 593
914 cli 592
915 bufferutil 592
916 shell-quote 592
917 theme-ui 592
918 supertest 591
919 map-stream 591
920 babel-preset-stage-1 590
921 selenium-webdriver 590
922 keycode 590
923 es6-promisify 589
924 inquirer-autocomplete-prompt 589
925 split2 588
926 pngjs 587
927 concurrently 586
928 sha1 586
929 grunt-contrib-watch 585
930 karma-chrome-launcher 585
931 urllib 585
932 @mdx-js/mdx 583
933 slug 581
934 address 581
935 grunt-contrib-uglify 579
936 fs-promise 579
937 gatsby-image 579
938 sanitize-html 577
939 bulma 577
940 element-resize-detector 577
941 decamelize 576
942 finalhandler 575
943 gulp-install 574
944 @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs 574
945 @jupyterlab/apputils 574
946 progress-bar-webpack-plugin 573
947 gulp-notify 572
948 chai-as-promised 572
949 assert-plus 572
950 nomnom 571
951 gatsby 571
952 sha.js 570
953 pretty-ms 569
954 js-sha3 568
955 ngx-bootstrap 567
956 sockjs-client 567
957 type-is 566
958 ua-parser-js 566
959 react-apollo 566
960 dom-helpers 566
961 crc 565
962 is-promise 565
963 babel-plugin-syntax-jsx 564
964 web-vitals 564
965 lodash.isfunction 563
966 front-matter 563
967 accepts 562
968 path-is-absolute 562
969 deep-diff 561
970 gatsby-transformer-sharp 561
971 @types/bluebird 561
972 bcrypt-nodejs 560
973 lodash.isstring 560
974 react-loadable 559
975 opener 559
976 envinfo 559
977 yeoman-environment 557
978 @google-cloud/storage 555
979 delay 554
980 @rollup/plugin-commonjs 554
981 depd 553
982 process 553
983 bson 553
984 koa-logger 553
985 iview 551
986 compare-versions 551
987 @types/ws 550
988 big-integer 550
989 bytebuffer 550
990 conf 549
991 ansi-escapes 548
992 yarn 548
993 decompress 548
994 unzipper 548
995 passport-oauth2 547
996 stack-trace 546
997 postcss-cssnext 545
998 component-emitter 545
999 connect-redis 543


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