pgoapi is a client/api/demo for Pokemon Go by
It allows automatic parsing of requests/responses by finding the correct protobuf objects over a naming convention and will return the response in a parsed python dictionary format.
- This is unofficial - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK !
- I don't play pokemon go !
- No bot/farming code included !
- Python 2 and 3
- Google/PTC auth
- Address parsing for GPS coordinates
- Allows chaining of RPC calls
- Good logging/debugging possibilities
- Easy extension of further calls! No source code change required!
- Uses POGOProtos
- Following RPC calls:
- FORT_SEARCH (spinning of pokestops)
- RELEASE_POKEMON (release pokemon and get candy/xp)
- ...
- more should be possible now but have to be tested (PLEASE support here)
usage: [-h] -a AUTH_SERVICE -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -l LOCATION [-d] [-t]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a AUTH_SERVICE, --auth_service AUTH_SERVICE Auth Service ('ptc' or 'google')
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME Username
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD Password
-l LOCATION, --location LOCATION Location
-d, --debug Debug Mode
-t, --test Only parse the specified location
$ python2 -a ptc -u tejado -p 1234 --location "New York, Washington Square"
2016-07-19 01:22:14,806 [ pokecli] [ INFO] Your given location: Washington Square, Greenwich, NY 12834, USA
2016-07-19 01:22:14,806 [ pokecli] [ INFO] lat/long/alt: 43.0909305 -73.4989367 0.0
2016-07-19 01:22:14,808 [ auth_ptc] [ INFO] Login for: tejado
2016-07-19 01:22:15,584 [ auth_ptc] [ INFO] PTC Login successful
2016-07-19 01:22:15,584 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Starting RPC login sequence (app simulation)
2016-07-19 01:22:15,584 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Create new request...
2016-07-19 01:22:15,584 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Adding 'GET_PLAYER' to RPC request
2016-07-19 01:22:15,584 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Adding 'GET_HATCHED_EGGS' to RPC request
2016-07-19 01:22:15,584 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Adding 'GET_INVENTORY' to RPC request
2016-07-19 01:22:15,584 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Adding 'CHECK_AWARDED_BADGES' to RPC request
2016-07-19 01:22:15,584 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Adding 'DOWNLOAD_SETTINGS' to RPC request including arguments
2016-07-19 01:22:15,585 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Execution of RPC
2016-07-19 01:22:16,259 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Cleanup of request!
2016-07-19 01:22:16,259 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Finished RPC login sequence (app simulation)
2016-07-19 01:22:16,259 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Login process completed
2016-07-19 01:22:16,259 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Create new request...
2016-07-19 01:22:16,259 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Adding 'GET_PLAYER' to RPC request
2016-07-19 01:22:16,259 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Execution of RPC
2016-07-19 01:22:16,907 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Cleanup of request!
Response dictionary:
"profile": {
"username": "tejado",
"item_storage": 350,
"unknown12": "",
"unknown13": "",
"creation_time": 1468139...,
"currency": [
"type": "POKECOIN"
"amount": 400,
"type": "STARDUST"
"daily_bonus": {},
"avatar": {
"unknown2": 1,
"unknown3": 4,
"unknown9": 2,
"unknown10": 1
"tutorial": "AAEDBAc=\n",
"poke_storage": 250
All (known) RPC calls against the original Pokemon Go servers are listed in the RequestMethod Enum in the pgoapi/protos/RpcEnum.proto file. These can be executed over the name, e.g. the call for get_player is:
api = PGoApi()
The pgoapi will send this as a RPC request and tries to parse the response over a protobuf object with the same name (get_player) converted to CamelCase + 'Response'. In our example, it would be 'GetPlayerResponse'. These protobuf definitions have to be inside RpcSub (pgoapi/protos/RpcSub.proto).
If a request needs parameters, they can be added as arguments and pgoapi will try to add them automatically to the request, e.g.:
message DownloadSettingsRequest {
optional string hash = 1;
api = PGoApi()
- Python 2 or 3
- requests
- protobuf (>=3)
- gpsoauth
- geopy (only for pokecli demo)
- s2sphere (only for pokecli demo)
Mila432 for the login secrets
elliottcarlson for the Google Auth PR
AeonLucid for improved protos
AHAAAAAAA for parts of the s2sphere stuff