1.2.10 (2023-11-01)
- mobile: disable mobile view until rewrite (f446c99)
1.2.9 (2023-07-29)
- mailcheck: crash processing inbound imap email #619 (bb56646)
- ui: custom page login not showing on MFA page #621 (16330e9)
1.2.8 (2023-06-22)
- mailer: crash if no email recipients were defined (6184e68)
- package.json & yarn.lock to reduce vulnerabilities (ea76348)
- tests: status updates (a089792)
- tickets: customized status enhancements and fixes (ece5b34)
1.2.7 (2023-04-05)
- profile: user title persists when saving profile (e7e58cb)
1.2.6 (2022-08-22)
- dashboard: fails to load if show overdue tickets is disabled #552 (afd9caf)
- messages: react ui fix (a0bb151)
- ui: react ui fix for accounts (7cff1c9)
1.2.5 (2022-07-17)
- accounts: account creation fail with groups (2e5420f)
- accounts: invalid user function [unstable] (f62045a)
- core: logout route with new passport (1280521)
- core: pDropDown flag for notices (806a1df)
- db: mongo flag for version upgrade (d8670fd)
- messages: account population fields (2ad5c14)
- notices: missing create notice option (278a492)
- notices: unable to deactivate notice through socket (a2d9103)
- permissions: agents not allowed to update tickets correctly (dba6679)
- readme: kubernetes readme (5765e9c)
- server: install server not loading correctly (37d8bf3)
- session: correctly load tokens from file (24ea446)
- settings: missing values when moving to react (24993c9)
- tags: add tag modal not displaying create tag modal (4b141e6)
- tags: clear button not working on AddTagsModal (08b92db)
- tickets: not able to set status once closed (a8fb844)
- ui: conversation dropdown not populating (4869ef1)
- ui: pDropdown trigger closes on 2nd click (e614ed6)
- ui: top groups not fetching correct data (07ecb87)
1.2.4 (2022-06-19)
1.2.3 (2022-05-30)
- core: image data removal (ae904d3)
- core: verify user exists (f739eac)
- messages: invalid permissions (a9e38f2)
- messages: validation check (3145408)
- messages: xss security (b7c1518)
- tickets: external link warning in comments (c2cb0df)
1.2.2 (2022-05-20)
- account: security fix (e836d04)
- account: security fix (87e231e)
- api: v1 security fix (e2db47f)
- api: v1 security fix (49befa2)
- attachments: files with small file size was failing to upload (691d12c)
- core: iframe security fix (6ea9db7)
- login: basic rate limit protection (526cef3)
- profile: svg images (4575ed7)
- tickets: permission enforcement (577c7eb)
- tickets: security fix (36a542a)
1.2.1 (2022-05-14)
- notifications: issue where notifications would not update #495 (f529734)
- tickets: error when uploading attachments #500 (d861f04)
- tickets: unable to upload image in reply #500 (ddf2486)
- uploads: removal of EXIF data on profile picture uploads (097b482)
1.2.0 (2022-04-10)
- appearance: color scheme updates in production build #469 (881a919)
- appearance: issue when uploading logo/favicon (cb48e79)
- log: log file view (0c2b180)
- mailer: missing data elements in mailer template #480 (cd54631)
- profile: profile image upload on new version of chrome (cb72e75)
- sidebar: spacing when activating/deactivating notice (d1b2b10)
- tickets: disable uploading .svg as an attachment (c4b262c)
- tickets: incorrect tickets removed from ticket view (a943497)
- ui: input fields reset on clear #452 (3b8682c)
1.1.11 (2021-11-21)
- install: error with fresh database (517e3ab)
1.1.10 (2021-09-19)
- elasticsearch: typo in env var (77191dc)
1.1.9 (2021-09-19)
- about: links in about page (2425d7e)
- db: EncodeURI PR #437 by @vijaye-statsig (bb9ea9b)
- install: default setting for skipping elastic search (88df9b0)
- install: typo in elastic search preventing connection (3678292)
- mailcheck: added option for less secure certs in mailcheck (0e6fd69), closes PR#434
1.1.8 (2021-07-25)
1.1.7 (2021-07-15)
1.1.6 (2021-06-21)
- renderer: view rendering incorrectly (departments) (18f9eca)
- security: security fix 1 #413 (c3c3b29)
- security: security fix 2 #413 (58c90d8)
- tickets: security fix 11 #413 (17c2eb7)
- tickets: security fix 4 #413 (caaec12)
- uploads: security fix (25c5ae4)
1.1.5 (2021-06-09)
- tickets: view rending incorrectly on latest version of Chrome (d574948)
1.1.4 (2021-06-01)
- accounts: check if agent is assignee before deleting agent. #408 (81fd6ea)
- build: stop nightly build (fefb8de)
- tickets: third party (c954ba0)
1.1.3 (2020-02-05)
1.1.2 (2020-01-15)
- backup: missing PATH env for mongo dump/restore (fd7321a)
- mailcheck: deleting message before finished processing (41924ea)
1.1.1 (2020-01-02)
- accounts: issue where accounts would load twice on create ticket (6aa507b)
- events: #294 server crash on sending mail (b126338)
- tickets: issue where not all users would load on behalf of ticket (7ca56f5)
1.1.0 (2019-12-23)
- accounts: api key generated by default on creation. #287 (1f9291e)
- reports: invalid group reporting. #290 (faa25b3)
1.0.17 (2019-11-23)
1.0.16 (2019-09-08)
1.0.15 (2019-07-09)
- accounts: account list returning null after updating admin (da79f1d)
1.0.14 (2019-06-10)
- departments: issue with creating department with no teams #206 (94ff47a)
- elasticsearch: remove ticket from index on delete (1b46ff4)
- mailer: issue where mail was not being sent (4f2ba22)
1.0.13 (2019-05-23)
- cache: improvements (16bd9f8)
- cache: improvements (9ff2c14)
- core: fix memory leak on rebuild es index (de17ba9)
- core: memory fixes (e320e83)
1.0.12 (2019-05-10)
- core: updates (8607c6a)
1.0.11 (2019-05-02)
- accounts: crash if user had deleted tickets and was removed (ce376b4)
- accounts: editing admin/agent (8a973c7)
- accounts: issue not showing upload dialog (38a4c85)
- accounts: passwords not updating (c28d1ad)
- api: v1 crash if ticket _id was incorrect (eea4d20)
- api: v1 for group changes (3d12667)
- api: v2 removed ability to delete group if group had tickets (35dbef8)
- apiv1: invalid response if group was not sent as obj #175 (ee223ff)
- backup: mongodb binaries for mongodb 4 windows #138 (052d6da)
- defaults: loading incorrectly (f4c2841)
- editor: missing routes (2946d07)
- elasticsearch: crash on rebuild (bc0728b)
- install: crash if mongodb failed to connect (76036b9)
- install: invalid role name #179 (643703e)
- mailcheck: TLS not being set correctly (40627d0)
- mailcheck: typo (e5e387d)
- permissions: role hierarchy not allowing ticket status updates (51029b6)
- profile: removing user from all groups on profile save (1e9accd)
- test: crash if missing config token object (ac3fe81)
- test: fixed (e419f81)
- test: updates (969d3f2)
- tickets: attachments loader not initializing (bd949b7)
- tickets: dropdown arrow not showing with certain themes (b839551)
- tickets: sort icon color - themes (9fbb391)
- tickets: xss fixes (99c02fb)
- ui: bug with firefox displaying table incorrectly (6967e74)
- elasticsearch: fixes (eddc577)
1.0.10 (2019-04-08)
- tickets: filter not showing assignees (7994855)
1.0.9 (2019-03-20)
- accounts: import failing due to role changes (893af61)
- mailcheck: #170 (10c36fa)
- tps: missing host name in some cases (c3704b5)
1.0.8 (2019-03-17)
- accounts: new users have accessToken by default (4f36bb4)
- accounts: space between group names (24a590b)
- mailer: new-ticket template showing large profile pic (213bc05)
- #: #167 (5828301)
- theme: dark theme dropdown select color (53751bd)
1.0.7 (2019-03-12)
- accounts: missing account creation modal #152 (b2cbbda)
- app: app.js for universal config (a318545)
- app: callback failed if mailcheck was enabled (1520ad5)
- build: incorrect import dep (a180497)
- chat: removed self from online user list (de3a596)
- component: easymde handle defaultValue (b33eb44)
- components: button display incorrectly when width is set (1693421)
- debug: populate db with new role permissions (2bc5ca6)
- docker: env var (ffe26b4)
- docker: universal config (a338f3a)
- docker: universal config (35acf04)
- images: profile images not displaying in new email templats (e89f2f8)
- install: crash (4199e03)
- migration: crash if certain role types didn't exist (39dfaa2)
- mobile: loading issue (54c2cdd)
- mobile: mobile was showing blank view (b8b6e3e)
- notifications: issue with push notification during ticket creation (77dac9a)
- permissions: default user role unable to login correctly #153 (1b1cec1)
- permissions: disabled accounts showing in assignee list (ebe6504)
- permissions: groups nav incorrectly showing (65d8fe9)
- permissions: incorrect permissions on edit ticket (4a75aed)
- permissions: missing add comment button (c512b8d)
- permissions: roles allowed to edit ticket after socket update (1f529f8)
- package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (025136c)
- react: multiple renders (1a9cb7b)
- sidebar: incorrect style on active item (df338b6)
- sidebar: overlapping page content #151 (20235f7)
- test: updates for role permissions (7a0479d)
- ticket: editing subject disappearing (53e62d7)
- ui: bug displaying view all notifications (61e4bca)
- ui: grid not resizing correctly (235c960)
1.0.6 (2019-02-02)
- attachments: uploading office mime-types #140 (b47da40)
- chat: chat boxes under some buttons (c337c76)
- dates: overdue on dashboard (921e258)
- editor: crash on invalid directory (bc60899)
- groups: issue preventing save (7208253)
- ldap: crash if no results are returned (8ff63ba)
- login: username whitespaces (282d725)
- messages: remove ajax link from start conversation (988dfa9)
- notifications: unable to clear all notifications (4f24c8c)
- reports: invalid date format (808a740)
- reports: invalid date string (0914d91)
- socket: high memory usage on notification updates (b647d4c)
- ticket: priority not updating in realtime (721f42d)
- unzip: out dated dependency #139 (b0aab01)
- url: invalid parse (1738287)
- validation: email validation for modern tlds #130 (febcbdf)
1.0.6 (2019-02-02)
- attachments: uploading office mime-types #140 (b47da40)
- chat: chat boxes under some buttons (c337c76)
- dates: overdue on dashboard (921e258)
- groups: issue preventing save (7208253)
- ldap: crash if no results are returned (8ff63ba)
- login: username whitespaces (282d725)
- messages: remove ajax link from start conversation (988dfa9)
- notifications: unable to clear all notifications (4f24c8c)
- reports: invalid date format (808a740)
- reports: invalid date string (0914d91)
- socket: high memory usage on notification updates (b647d4c)
- ticket: priority not updating in realtime (721f42d)
- unzip: out dated dependency #139 (b0aab01)
- url: invalid parse (1738287)
- validation: email validation for modern tlds #130 (febcbdf)
1.0.5 (2019-01-09)
- api: tickets #124 - unable to update ticket status (ab614a4)
- backup: crash on restore (a613612)
- backup: restore directory fails to create (d68a045)
- backup: restore sending error response to soon (605c8d8)
- mailcheck: event leak (23eaab3)
- nav: disappearing dashboard button (32a4e87)
- overdue: overdue card showing incorrect tickets (72e2584)
- tags: tags with min2 were not creating (9a22364)
- ticket: fix #116 - ability to configure character limit on tickets (88ae488)
1.0.4 (2019-01-03)
- appearance: dark theme colors (7ac11ad)
- attachments: failed to upload on docker (36a5bcb)
- crash: idle users array out-of-bounds (ebacda9)
- mailer: undefined value error (b3658f1)
- routes: miscommit (9198e47)
1.0.3 (2018-12-03)
- accounts: crash if user was deleted with active conversations #109 (6ea0ad4)
- assets: security fix (b081965)
- install: server crash due to invalid middleware (88367d9)
- mobile: secure assets not loading (dca823e)
- reports: unable to download reports #106 (a2cdb7f)
- sass: not compiling for install server (e0f744d)
- static: file access path (568c343)
- style: disabled classes applied incorrectly (884519c)
- style: incorrect border style (5edfb0f)
- styles: incorrect styles (ae0d82f)
- tickettype: crash when deleting ticket type #113 (dc4d335)
- static: files path var (dd440e0)
1.0.2 (2018-11-03)
- assets: security fix (4f6c00d)
- database: connection returning true even if error occured (0156c4b)
- database: removed incorrect events (357752d)
- mobile: chrome 53+ not allowing selects to open. #96 (7d71135)
- styles: issue #101 editing issue/comment/note (46ab7e8)
- styles: new tickets had incorrect classes (4793c31)
- tickets: public ticket crash #103 (19b75f1)
- timezone: option to set local timezone (e3eb12a)
1.0.1 (2018-09-27)
- package.json: update version number on release (229ab07)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (590ddef)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (0394893)
- package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (42783e1)
- package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (4940ef1)
- group: undefined text when deleting group (6f432db)
- mobile: updated (1ace577)
- settings: tag display on no tags (6929cc1)
- test: updated test for priority changes (cdf0a4d)
- user: crash fix for undefined title (5e2b38c)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Confirm Delete on Groups #16
0.1.9 (2017-05-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- 404 Errors getting dumped to log file #22
Fixed bugs:
- 404 Errors getting dumped to log file #22
- Able to delete your own account #21
- Default Administrators Group can be deleted #20
- Install Script for New Mongodb does not show restart #14
- User role can edit/add tags on tickets #12
0.1.8 (2017-03-07)
Fixed bugs:
- *UNSTABLE* - Unable to run install script #17
Merged pull requests:
0.1.7 (2016-10-22)
Fixed bugs:
- NiceScroll Disappears on AJAX page request #11
- Ticket Issue & Comments are still editable after closed. #7
- Users still receive email after account disabled #6
- Delete / Disable account fires twice #5
- Topbar dropdowns overlap icons when notice is active #3
- Set Assignee Permissions are incorrect #2
- Crash when fails to connect to mail server #1
Merged pull requests:
0.1.6 (2016-01-25)
0.1.5 (2015-12-28)
0.1.4 (2015-11-07)
0.1.3 (2015-10-28)
0.1.2 (2015-08-24)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator