Multivariate empirical continuous quantile function (grid-based). There are two approaches to quantile function evaluation depending on the type of sample storage. In the first case, the sample is presented in the explicit (real-valued) form and stored in the matrix. In the second case, the sample is presented in the implicit form and the trie-based structure. Here presented header-only library that allows you to perform quantile transforms based on given sample points. For more info and examples see:
To compile from source, you need C++ 17 compiler and CMake for building examples.
To use this library and perform quantile tranforms only header files from mveqf
are needed.
$ git clone
$ cd mveqf
$ cmake .
$ make
Clone the entire repository and build it locally.
Some examples of using mveqf
to perform quantile transform presented in demos
directory. Follow these steps to build and run the examples. After these steps all the binaries should be generated and presented in the bin
#include <mveqf/implicit.h>
int main()
using gt = std::uint8_t; // integer type to store grid node components: char, unsigned char, int, ...
std::size_t d = 2; // dimension
std::vector<std::size_t> grid = {9, 10}; // regular grid sizes
// data structure for sample storage - modified Trie with NodeCount nodes
using sample_type = mveqf::TrieBased<mveqf::NodeCount<gt>, gt>;
// pointer to the sample which will be moved to quantile object
std::shared_ptr<sample_type> sample = std::make_shared<sample_type>();
sample->set_dimension(d); // setting dimension
sample->insert(std::vector<gt>{2, 6}); // adding grid node to sample
sample->insert(std::vector<gt>{5, 7}); // first component from [0;8] range, second from [0;9]
std::vector<float> lb(d, -3.0f); // lower bound for each component
std::vector<float> ub(d, 3.0f); // upper bound for each component
mveqf::ImplicitQuantile<gt, float> mveqfunc(lb, ub, grid); // object to perform quantile transofrm
mveqfunc.set_sample_shared_and_fill_count(sample); // moving sample to quantile object
std::vector<float> values01 = {0.427f, 0.791f}; // values to transform
std::vector<float> sampled(d); // vector to store values after transform
mveqfunc.transform(values01, sampled); // performing transform and saving values to sampled
S. V. Poluyan, N. M. Ershov, Quantile transform in structural bioinformatics problems // Computational nanotechnology, 2019, Vol. 6, no. 4, P. 29–43 DOI: 10.33693/2313-223X-2019-6-4-29-43
The mveqf
library is distributed under Apache License 2.0 and it is open-source software. Feel free to make a copy and modify the source code, but keep the copyright notice and license intact.