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FreePIE Reference
You can get/set various parameter from/to ALVR. All parameters are accessed via global variable "alvr".
Related sources: ALVRFreePIEPlugin.cs FreePIE.h
Get input button state in array of boolean values. You can get current button state of controller. Please use alvr.InputId function to get button index.
alvr.input_buttons[alvr.InputId("trigger")] # True if trigger is pressed.
alvr.input_buttons[alvr.InputId("back")] # True if back is pressed.
Available buttons: "trackpad_click", "trackpad_touch", "trigger", "back"
Set True if you use second controller. You can't remove second controller after setting True.
if starting:
alvr.two_controllers = True
Set button state in array of boolean values. You can send button state to games by this variable. Please use alvr.Id function to get button index. Specify controller id to first dimension.
# Click first controller trackpad by keyboard.
controller = 0 # first controller
alvr.buttons[controller][alvr.Id("trackpad_click")] = keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.C)
alvr.buttons[controller][alvr.Id("trackpad_touch")] = keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.C)
alvr.buttons[controller][alvr.Id("application_menu")] = keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.X)
# Note that "trigger" event is not detected unless set alvr.trigger value.
alvr.buttons[0][alvr.Id("trigger")] = alvr.buttons[0][alvr.Id("trigger")] or alvr.input_buttons[alvr.InputId("trigger")]
# You need to set trigger value correctly to get trigger click work
alvr.trigger[0] = 1.0 if alvr.buttons[0][alvr.Id("trigger")] else 0.0
Available buttons: "system", "application_menu", "grip" , "dpad_left", "dpad_up", "dpad_right", "dpad_down" , "a", "b", "x", "y" , "trackpad_click", "trackpad_touch", "trigger", "shoulder_left", "shoulder_right" , "joystick_left", "joystick_right", "back", "guide", "start"
Get trackpad x,y position. Each coordinates are from -1.0 to 1.0.
if alvr.input_buttons[alvr.InputId("trackpad_click")]:
if alvr.input_trackpad[0] + alvr.input_trackpad[1] > 0.0:
if alvr.input_trackpad[0] - alvr.input_trackpad[1] > 0.0:
# left
alvr.buttons[alvr.Id("trigger")] = True
alvr.trigger = 1.0
# top
alvr.controller_position[0] += 0.3
if alvr.input_trackpad[0] - alvr.input_trackpad[1] > 0.0:
# bottom
alvr.controller_position[0] += -0.3
# right
alvr.buttons[alvr.Id("application_menu")] = True
Set trackpad x,y position. Each coordinates are from -1.0 to 1.0. First dimension is controller id.
# Press "Left" on trackpad
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftArrow):
alvr.buttons[0][alvr.Id("trackpad_click")] = keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.C)
alvr.buttons[0][alvr.Id("trackpad_touch")] = keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.C)
alvr.trackpad[0][0] = -1.0
alvr.trackpad[0][1] = 0.0
# Passthrough
alvr.trackpad[0][0] = alvr.input_trackpad[0]
alvr.trackpad[0][1] = alvr.input_trackpad[1]
Set the trigger value in float. from 0.0 to 1.0.
# You need to set trigger value correctly to get trigger click work
alvr.trigger[0] = 1.0 if alvr.buttons[0][alvr.Id("trigger")] else 0.0
alvr.trigger[1] = 1.0 if alvr.buttons[1][alvr.Id("trigger")] else 0.0
Get head orientation in yaw,pitch,roll. The unit is radian.
Get controller orientation in yaw,pitch,roll. The unit is radian.
Get head position in x,y,z. The unit is meters.
Get controller position in x,y,z. The unit is meters.
alvr.override_head_orientation, override_controller_orientation, override_head_position, override_controller_position: boolean
Set if you pass tracking data to games.
Send head orientation to games. The unit is radian. It is used only if alvr.override_head_orientation is True. You may lose smooth head tracking by setting this variable.
Send head orientation to games. The unit is radian. It is used only if alvr.override_controller_orientation is True for first controller. The values for second controller is always used. First dimension is controller id.
Send head position to games. The unit is meters. It is used only if alvr.override_head_position is True.
Send controller position to games. The unit is meters. It is used only if alvr.override_controller_position is True for first controller. The values for second controller is always used. First dimension is controller id.
global offset
if starting:
prev_back = False
mode = 0
offset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
# buggy.
# press upper half of trackpad to forward. bottom half to back
if alvr.input_buttons[alvr.InputId("trackpad_click")]:
theta = alvr.input_controller_orientation[1]
theta2 = alvr.input_controller_orientation[2]
speed = 0.01
offset[0] += speed * -math.sin(theta) * sign(alvr.input_trackpad[1])
offset[1] += speed * math.sin(theta2)
offset[2] += speed * -math.cos(theta) * sign(alvr.input_trackpad[1])
alvr.override_head_position = True
alvr.head_position[0] = alvr.input_head_position[0] + offset[0]
alvr.head_position[1] = alvr.input_head_position[1] + offset[1]
alvr.head_position[2] = alvr.input_head_position[2] + offset[2]
# This is needed only for first controller
alvr.override_controller_position = True
alvr.controller_position[0][0] = alvr.input_controller_position[0] + offset[0]
alvr.controller_position[0][1] = alvr.input_controller_position[1] + offset[1]
alvr.controller_position[0][2] = alvr.input_controller_position[2] + offset[2]
Set on screen message in string. You must set empty string ("") to hide message.
import math, time
global prev_back, mode, message_time
if starting:
prev_back = False
mode = 0
message_time = 0.0
if prev_back != alvr.input_buttons[alvr.InputId("back")]:
prev_back = alvr.input_buttons[alvr.InputId("back")]
if alvr.input_buttons[alvr.InputId("back")]:
mode = (mode + 1) % 3
# show messageo on display
alvr.message = "mode " + str(mode)
message_time = time.time()
if time.time() - message_time > 2:
# hide message after 2 seconds
alvr.message = ""
Set the left or right trigger value in float. from 0.0 to 1.0. I think alvr.trigger_left, alvr.trigger_right are for gamepad controller, so they have no meaning on ALVR.
Set the joystick x,y axes value. from -1.0 to 1.0. No meaning on ALVR.