Django's admin supports a lot of customization. However, the current implementation relies on the use of class value and methods, requiring a lot of code duplication. This project contains classes, mixins, and a few templates that improve the usability and maintainability of Django's admin.
ModelAdmin mixins:
- ReadonlyModelAdmin - Removes all editability from the ModelAdmin.
- CSVModelAdmin - Adds a changelist action to export the selected records as a CSV.
- FormatterModelAdmin - Allows the use of admin field formatters.
- BetterRawIdFieldsModelAdmin - Adapted from a Django Snippet, this formats all raw id fields with a convenient link to that record's corresponding admin change page.
Field formatters:
If you want to format a monetary dollar value with a dollar sign and commas, you have to implement a myvariable_dollars() method in your ModelAdmin class that returns the desired string, and then list this method in the ModelAdmin's readonly_fields list.
In many non-trivial applications, I found myself writing a huge number of these functions, most of which were nearly identical. So I decided to abstract this functionality into a number of classes that could be instantiated and easily plugged into a ModelAdmin.
Pre-built formatters include:
- DollarFormat
- PercentFormat
- CenterFormat
- NbspFormat
- BooleanFormat
- ForeignKeyLink
- OneToManyLink
Formatters are used by wrapping them around field names in a ModelAdmin. Say you have a model with a field called income that you want to display in admin formatted with a dollar sign. Normally, you'd do something like this:
class BudgetAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): fields = ( 'id', 'name', 'income_str', ) readonly_fields = ( 'income_str', ) def income_str(self, request, obj=None): if obj is None: return return '$%.2f' % obj.income
Formatters simply this process. In this example, you could use the DollarFormat class to accomplish the same thing with much less code:
from admin_steroids import FormatterModelAdmin from admin_steroids.formatters import DollarFormat class BudgetAdmin(FormatterModelAdmin): fields = ( 'id', 'name', DollarFormat('income', decimals=2), )
Install the package via pip with:
pip install