This repository contains a clean-up code for Self-Tuning Networks (STNs) and Delta Self-Tuning Networks (-STNs).
The original repository for Self-Tuning Networks can be found here.
- Delta-STN: Efficient Bilevel Optimization for Neural Networks using Structured Response Jacobian
- Self-Tuning Networks: Bilevel Optimization of Hyperparameters using Structured Best-Response Functions
The code was implemented & tested in Python 3.6. All required modules are listed in requirements.txt
and can be installed with the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In addition, please install PyTorch version 1.5.1 (or >= 1.5.0). We plan to release the JAX version of the code as well.
Self-Tuning Networks can be easily applied to any architectures, datasets, and regularization hyperparameters. Please follow these steps to use STNs for your custom projects.
- Define your model inheriting from
using layers from\layers
. Specify how your models interact with hyperparameters.
class StnTwoLayerMLP(StnModel):
# Inherit from StnModel.
def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, num_hyper, h_container, use_bias=True):
super(StnTwoLayerMLP, self).__init__()
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.layer_structure = [input_dim, 1200, 1200, output_dim]
self.num_hyper = num_hyper
# h_container (HyperContainer) contains all information about hyperparameters.
self.h_container = h_container
self.use_bias = use_bias
# Use StnLinear instead of nn.Linear.
self.layers = nn.ModuleList(
[StnLinear(self.layer_structure[i], self.layer_structure[i + 1],
num_hyper=num_hyper, bias=use_bias)
for i in range(len(self.layer_structure) - 1)]
# This method must be defined; it should return a list containing all layers.
def get_layers(self):
return self.layers
def forward(self, x, h_net, h_tensor):
# Forward method requires h_net and h_tensor.
# For STNs, h_net and h_tensor are the same.
# However, for Delta-STNs, they differ as h_net requires centering.
x = x.view(-1, self.input_dim)
# Apply dropout for each batch using parameters from h_tensor (perturbed dropout).
if "dropout0" in self.h_container.h_dict:
x = dropout(x, self.h_container.transform_perturbed_hyper(h_tensor, "dropout0"),
# STN layers requires one additional input h_net.
x = self.layers[0](x, h_net)
x = F.relu(x)
if "dropout1" in self.h_container.h_dict:
x = dropout(x, self.h_container.transform_perturbed_hyper(h_tensor, "dropout1"),
x = self.layers[1](x, h_net)
x = F.relu(x)
if "dropout2" in self.h_container.h_dict:
x = dropout(x, self.h_container.transform_perturbed_hyper(h_tensor, "dropout2"),
x = self.layers[2](x, h_net)
return x
- To tune data augmentation parameters, define your dataset class. See more examples in
. If you wish not to tune data augmentation parameters, you can define a class with these methods:
class StnMNIST(datasets.MNIST):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(StnMNIST, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def set_h_container(self, h_container, perturbed_h_tensor):
def reset_hyper_params(self):
- In your training script, initialize a class
and register all hyperparameters using a method.register
h_container = HyperContainer(device)
min_range=0., max_range=0.95,
discrete=False, same_perturb_mb=False)
min_range=0., max_range=0.95,
discrete=False, same_perturb_mb=False)
- Choose your desired optimizers and initialize
(for STNs) orDeltaStnStepOptimizer
(for Delta-STNs).
model_optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=args.train_lr, momentum=0.9)
hyper_optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop([h_container.h_tensor], lr=args.valid_lr)
scale_optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop([h_container.h_scale], lr=args.scale_lr)
stn_step_optimizer = StnStepOptimizer(model, model_optimizer, hyper_optimizer, scale_optimizer, criterion,
h_container, info["tune_scales"], info["entropy_weight"])
- Initialize a trainer with your desired configurations and train the model.
stn_trainer = StnTrainer(stn_step_optimizer, train_loader=train_loader, valid_loader=valid_loader,
test_loader=test_loader, h_container=h_container, evaluate_fnc=evaluate_fnc,
device=device, lr_scheduler=None, logger=logger, warmup_epochs=info["warmup_epochs"],
total_epochs=info["total_epochs"], train_steps=5, valid_steps=1,
log_interval=10, patience=None)
The repository contains examples to reproduce results from the Delta-STN paper.
- Multilayer Perceptron experiment on MNIST:
python examples/mlp/ --entropy_weight 1e-3 --tune_scales --experiment_name mlp_ts_ew1e-3
- Delta-STN
python examples/mlp/ --delta_stn --linearize --entropy_weight 1e-3 --tune_scales --experiment_name mlp_ts_lin_ew1e-3
- Simple CNN experiment on FashionMNIST:
python examples/simple_cnn/ --entropy_weight 1e-3 --tune_scales --experiment_name cnn_ts_ew1e-3
- Delta-STN
python examples/simple_cnn/ --delta_stn --linearize --entropy_weight 1e-3 --tune_scales --experiment_name cnn_ts_lin_ew1e-3
- VGG16 experiment on CIFAR10:
python examples/vgg/ --entropy_weight 1e-3 --tune_scales --experiment_name vgg_ts_ew1e-3
- Delta-STN
python examples/vgg/ --delta_stn --linearize --entropy_weight 1e-4 --tune_scales --experiment_name vgg_ts_lin_ew1e-4
The repository supports wandb visualization. You can either visualize your training online using wandb or use TensorBoard visualization with the following command:
tensorboard --logdir=examples/mlp/runs/
To cite this work, please use:
title={Delta-STN: Efficient Bilevel Optimization for Neural Networks using Structured Response Jacobians},
author={Bae, Juhan and Grosse, Roger B},
journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
title={Self-tuning networks: Bilevel optimization of hyperparameters using structured best-response functions},
author={MacKay, Matthew and Vicol, Paul and Lorraine, Jon and Duvenaud, David and Grosse, Roger},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.03088},
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me via jbae at cs dot toronto dot edu.